Sunday, September 8, 2013


On September 11, 2001, we saw a terrible attack on this country by 19 Islamic radical terrorist that caused the death of nearly 3000 people and the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings and damage to the Pentagon structure.  As a result, we have a war in Afghanistan, and Iraq, although Iraq, I believe is unrelated to 9/11.  Now we know Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against the Kurds killing 5000 and both Iran and Iraq used them against each other during their 10 year war.  So, we know Saddam had WMD's but we also were using a no fly zone over Iraq that was effective and I believe Saddam as cruel as he was, was a buffer against Iran.  

In 1993 we had an attack against the World Trade Center when a massive bomb was set off in the parking garage beneath the building.   As a result of this attack, then Pres. Clinton did nothing.  In 2000 we had the attack on the USS Cole and again Pres. Clinton did nothing.  We also know we had an attack in a disco in Germany killing Americans and out embassy attacked in Africa during Pres. Clinton's term I will admit we did launch cruise missiles and blew up a threatening aspirin factory and a few camels.  We looked real tough on that event.   

We also know in 1984 Islamic radicals attacked the marine barracks in Lebanon and killed 250 marines.  Again, under Pres. Reagan we did nothing.  Do you think we were sending a message to these radicals?   And so we had what is now known as just 9/11.

On 9/11/2012 we had the attack on our mission in Benghazi killing our ambassador and 3 other Americans and numerous injuries to other military personnel and we did nothing but blamed it on a movie nobody ever heard about until then.  We were lied to by this administration and to this date, we still have not been told the truth on what happen and where the president and Secretary of State were during this attack.   It appears neither one was available for that infamous 3 am phone call.  But we do know, President Obama was up and about the next day for a fly out to Nevada for a campaign speech while bodies of 4 dead Americans were in Benghazi. 

So today we see our anti-war president, vice-president and Secretary of State campaigning for a military strike against Syria and Bashar Assad and his military for alleging using chemical weapons on his people.  I say alleged since is can not be proven who used the chemical weapons.  We also know earlier this year one group of these rebels got control of a chemical storage site so to say who used the chemical weapon as of this time cannot be proven and even the UN inspectors are not certain. 
Now, starting this weekend we see a publicity campaign showing video of children that were killed by the use of chemical weapons to enrage our citizens and give this president the go ahead to initiate an attack.  It is like a campaign all over again, but this time our president wants to use our military so he can save face for his misspeak on stating crossing a red line.  That is what this is all about.  About Pres. Obama saving face and  not really about chemical weapons.  But we also know, that out of the over 100,000 killed by bombs and bullets, it is reported that at least 5000 have been children.  So, where is the outraged from this administration over these children.  That is why this Syrian debate is all BS and hopefully Congress will see it that way or we will see serious consequences developing in the Middle East that may result in a much expanded war that we do not need, do not want and will be a real threat to Israel.  What will this president do if he launches an attack and Israel is attacked?  That is the question that must be asked and something this president cannot and will not answer.  Not a good time for being Israel although we know that have the weapons to take care of themselves and if things really get out of hand, who knows, it may turn nuclear.  As I said previously, their mottos is "Never Again". 

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