Monday, September 16, 2013

This administration

During our presidents administration, we have had numerous scandal and inaction on appropriate actions for all of the following. 

Fast and Furious:  Gun running into Mexico where numerous weapons were allowed to be purchased and then transported to Mexico that has resulted in the death of numerous Mexicans and one border agent.  Of course, the DOJ that was deeply involved in this have not really conducted an investigation since they were the primary culprits in the gun running.

Benghazi:  We know 4 Americans were killed and one of the murdered was our ambassador and this administration was more interested in the presidents campaign fund raising the next day in Nevada then providing a military response to assist our citizens at the Benghazi complex.  We know that this administration was involved in gun running to the Libyan rebels during overthrow of their dictator and then they were attempting to locate and return these weapons so they could give them to the rebels in Syria.  There was also a ship in Turkey loaded with weapons to be transported to the Syrian rebels that was part of the meeting between our ambassador Stevens and the Turkey representative just hours before the Benghazi attack.  Neither our president and our illustrious Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were able or available to answer the 3 am call.  We know that the president was unavailable from 5pm on the day of the attack until he arrived for his campaign fund raising.  We know the lie that this attack was the result of a movie, nobody heard about previously.  But not surprised since our president will not take responsibility for anything that may place his administration in a negative light.  We know there were military sources that could have responded within a few hours and yet we hear from administration personnel that they would not have gotten there in time.  Yet, nobody, but nobody knew how long the attack was going to last.  But this is one of the arguments used by this administration to defend their inaction. Of course we had the Secretary of Defense Panetta claimed they did not want to send our troops into harms way without knowing what was happening.  This is the intelligent statements this administration uses to defend their lack of response when we know, our military are always sent into harms way.  That is what they are trained for and that is why we try to provide the best equipment possible for these actions.  If this administration thinking was used in WWII, we never would have seen Normandy, landings in the Pacific, North Africa, Italy and across Europe.  But, when you elect idiots and community organizers, this is what you get.

IRS:  We see and hear that this scandal getting ready to explode since the leaking of Emails Lois Learner sent warning about Tea Party groups that could cause problems in the upcoming election and if the IRS could not resolve the problem, hopefully the FCC can.  This is this administration using these agencies to attack their political opposition, that is grossly illegal and is 1984 in the 21st century. 

NSA:  This agency is also being used to spy on American citizens and is also being used by this administration for political purposes.  This should make all citizens outraged and is a clear violation of the 1st and 4th Amendment.   But we have an administration that continually ignores the constitution and regardless of ones political affiliation, should be deeply concerned since is one political party can do this, so can the other political party if they take power. 

Then we have the reporter James Rosen from Fox news and the AP spying by this administration in a veil attempt to intimidate reporters from reporting anything that would adversely affect this administration.   

We have the Ft. Hood shooting that this administration claims was workplace violence and yet everyone outside this administration that has at least a partial brain knows that all information and investigations point to this being a terrorist attack.  But, this administration is doing their best not to knowledge any terror attack against our country.  That is why Benghazi was do to a movie and Ft. Hood was workplace violence.  But, you can rest assured if the Ft. Hood shooter yelled out Jesus is great instead of Allah Akbar, this administration would have classified this attack as terrorism and put all Christian religious groups on notice. 

As of this writing, we are listening to the shooting at the naval yard in Washington DC and hopefully the truth will come out on this tragedy.  But, we also know, Al Qaeda has vowed to do attacks in this country.  But in either case, we can sleep secure in the knowledge that we have a community organizer running our country.   As usual, he will not give much credence to this event, but will rather discuss his administration's jobs picture.  But, we have less than 64% of people participating in the workforce, the lowest in over 50 years.  Such greatness.  This man is clueless.   Then again, there isn't much we can say about those that voted for him.   

And last but not least we have seen the debacle in the Syria crisis where again our community organizer was taken to task by the former KGB Colonel and now head of Russia and has shown the world what we have occupying our White House.  The world now knows and we had better be prepared for more unrest in the Middle East and Iran developing a nuclear weapon and also the movement for a Caliphate of Middle Eastern countries.   We can also expect to see China become more brazen in the Pacific and our community organizer will be out giving teleprompter speeches. 

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