Sunday, September 22, 2013

Simply Amazing

President Obama cannot handle or address foreign issues or entanglements, and comes across as wussy, a wimp and spineless.  The leaders of most if not all foreign governments, both friends and foes, are well aware of this.  That is why, our enemies will take advantage of the country with no backbone and move to garner as much territory and overthrow as many governments they can, secure in the knowledge that we will not do much of anything other than use inflammatory rhetoric that we all know is all talk and no action. 

 However, when it comes to domestic affairs, our illustrious president speaks out inferring racial prejudice and racial hatred and the republicans for all the failures in his domestic policy.  He cannot blame the world for his international failures but uses republicans as a scapegoat for domestic failures.  Aside form the Affordable Care Act that was passed when the democrats had the majority in both houses, he has not succeeded in any additional legislation and even the budgets he has submitted have been rejected by the democratic controlled senate.  So, for the last 5 years, this president even when he had control of both houses has not had to sign any budget, but has seen continual resolutions one after another passed.  He refused to compromise with the opposition party and it will be his way or no way.  Threats like these and his failures to compromise is why legislation is not passed. 
Taking personal responsibility for his actions, is not in his DNA and he must blame everyone else for his failures.  After all, we still hear former Pres. Bush name being used as a scapegoat for his failures.   

Who is going to take the blame when the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) becomes unaffordable and the cost rises beyond even the most exorbitant expectations.  Remember, no republican voted for this bill.

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