Thursday, September 12, 2013

Comrade Vladimir Putin, former KGB murder writes

Comrade Vladimir Putin, former KGB Colonel and master of eliminating people, imprisoning reporters and opposition leaders, invaded Georgia a few years ago, denies free speech that criticizes him, writes an op-ed in the NY Times criticizing the president and our country.  Criticizing the president is a simple to do every time this president speaks away from the teleprompter.  However, claiming this country is not exceptional actually is in keeping with remarks our president stated when he went on his apology tour.  But we know that we are exceptional not because we are better than the world, but because of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and our pursuit of Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness through hard work and being all we can be by applying ourselves to what we want to do and not rely on government taking care of us from cradle to grave.  However, we know our president believes only government can help you.  Think about that where you have inexperience bureaucrats with little or no real work experience other than what they learned in books or through radical professors and these people or going to tell you how to live your life.   

And finally, from an atheist we have our friend Vlad invoking God in his op-ed.  We have a president that claims to be a Christian, but was raised a Muslim and only attended a Christian church through the influence of his wife that did not go to church either but wanted to get married in a church.  That is why our president shows sympathy to Muslims groups and does not come to the aid of Christians that we see persecuted in Egypt, Libya and now Syria.  But if Muslims and their Mosques were attacked you can bet he would be out in front on voicing objections. 

Our administration is clueless on what is happening in the Middle East and the fact that any moderates living in these areas are outnumbered and will either be forced to leave or be imprisoned or killed.  If you are a Christian, you better leave or you will be see what the Jews went through under Hitler.  Remember, the Muslim Brotherhood supported Hitler and his persecution of the Jews and this will be happening to the Christians as the radical Muslims push for a Caliphate.  A Caliphate of all the countries in the Middle East as one group of nations where their main objective is destroying Israel and the great Satan, the United States.   

Of course, we must understand that these radical Muslims would like everyone believe they are dong God's work, but in fact anyone who is religious, studies religion know that these radicals are doing the work of Satan. God is love not hate and death.   It would be nice if we had people in our administration that had a backbone and would stand up to threats to us instead of hiding through useless rhetoric.  Trust in God not Government.  He will save us if we turn to him.  Ignore God and we will be in real trouble.  Our Founding Fathers believe they were driven by Divine Providence and His guidance in given us our Constitution as a example to the world.

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