Friday, August 16, 2013

What now?

The president went to the Middle East apologizing for America's sins of the past and believed he was the most popular person in the Middle East after Mohammed.  Of course when you are narcissistic and a Muslim, Islamic sympathizer, you cannot see the forest for the trees.  

We now know this president and the absent minded professors he has surrounded himself to address foreign affairs, are clueless and unsure on how to address the current conflicts taking place.   

We saw how they were made aware of potential issues developing in Benghazi during the summer months and the numerous request from the ambassador and military security personnel for more stringent measures and additional manpower to provide a more secure environment.  However, all these request were ignored by the then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and her staff and was not on the president's agenda.  This president believed just his personality and rhetoric would be enough to resolve all the world conflicts.  Other than that, he is and was clueless in how to respond to explosives situations that we see in the world today.  Yes, he can send drones out to blow up and kill potential terrorist and terrorist leaders, but he believed that would be enough to prove to the American people and the world that he is tough on terrorist or rather should we say Overseas Continuance Operations.   

This president supported the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood and part of that is because there are members of the Muslim Brotherhood in his administration both at the White House and the state department.  Of course he does not see anything wrong with that.  But history shows that Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and other Islamic radical groups all grew out of the Muslim Brotherhood.  History also shows that the Muslim Brotherhood cooperated fully with Hitler and the Nazis before and during WWII.  This present conflict is a step towards developing a Caliphate of Muslim, Islamic countries.  A United States of Muslim countries within the Muslim world.  This is the main objective of the Muslim Brotherhood from day one and they will sacrifice the blood of many in order to reach their goal.   

We now have problems in Turkey, the civil war in Syria and the unrest in Egypt, potential conflict in Lebanon while these conflicts will eventually spill over into Jordan that will secure the surrounding of Israel by this caliphate another of their main objective.  We know Israel is capable of defending itself, but it is just a small country surrounded by terrorist organizations determined to destroy all Jews, Israel and take control of Jerusalem and make that the capital of the Caliphate.  We also know that Israel has nuclear weapons and when push comes to shove and their existence is at stake they will resort to using these weapons and who can blame them for their use.  It is either that or death and they have vowed since WWII, "Never Again".   

As the conflicts in the Middle East expands, the volatility in the entire region will be on the precipice of a conflict that will engage the entire area and spill over into a European response if there is a stoppage of oil exports that seems very likely.   

Remember, not only does Europe import oil, but so does Japan, China and other expanding economies in the world where they do not have the resources or deposits to develop their own energy.  However, this conflict would be a boom for Russia as they are becoming one of the biggest exporters of energy.  They will become a big player as a result of any Middle East conflict, together with Venezuela and Mexico and why should Russia do anything to stop the conflict.   It should also be noted that China, in order secure their oil imports, have an agreement to conduct oil exploration off of Cuba, only 60 miles or less to Key West and China is also in the process of signing an agreement with Mexico to increase oil exploration and secure supplies for their growing economy.  And it as has been reported, where the Chinese oil exploration companies go, their navy is sure to follow.  So, we will eventually see their navy off the coast of Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Pacific.  That should make people in this country very safe.  With that in mind, we must also realize as I have mentioned previously, that the best way to disable our country is to have nuclear explosions in the upper atmosphere that would cause EMP's (Electronic Magnetic Pulse) that can and will destroy or render inoperable any device that has electronic components.  From the thermostats in your home to electronics on planes, computers, automobiles etc. All that is required, is to set off three to four explosions over the United States from East to West coast.  Something else to think about and can you survive without refrigeration of food, transportation, communications and actually foraging for your own food either by hunting, fishing or growing your food for consumption after and if such an event took place.  What would you do and how would you respond?  Most of us are use to purchasing our food from markets and have others do the production and distribution and we just become consumers from others production.  But what if we have to resort to production? 

So as the Middle East conflict continues with the possibility of an explosion consuming the entire area, our response is limited to speeches at this time and we must just become an audience observing what is happening since the use of our military is not the answer and with other conflicts in the area that we are presently engaged in, would not have the backing of the American public.  Although, Mubarak was a dictator, he did keep peace in the Egypt and whether we liked him or not, at least he kept Egypt quiet even if many rights were denied to the populace.  Democracy and Islam are not compatible, are mutually exclusive and will never work together.  These are a group of people that want to live in the 7th century and the real conflict is between different Muslim groups deciding who will be the next dictator not when will democracy as we understand it become part of their government.   

But, all we are told is that Islam is a religion of peace.  What these people  really mean is piece not peace.  That is taken a piece of your body, head, legs, arms and or eyes.  It has proven itself to be a cult and not a religion.  When Islamic leaders authorize the killing of those who disagree with their religious cult, it is not a religion.  If the Pope or leaders of other religions, told their parishioners to go out and kill non-believers in their faith, the news media and other governments including the UN would be up in arms.  But, since this is what the Imams are doing, there is no outrage.  After all, 47 Christian churches were burned in Egypt in the last few days and where is the outrage.  If these were mosques, even the president would be on national TV showing outrage, but Christians churches, no outrage is seen or actually expected. 

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