Tuesday, August 27, 2013


We are now as of this writing, contemplating an attack on the Syrian military and their government because of the use of WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) with the use of chemical weapons.  The reason being that somewhere between 300 to 1000 Syrians have been killed by the use of these WMD's.  It is still uncertain who actually used these WMD's since it is not beyond either combatant to use these WMD's.   

Even though since the beginning of this conflict, it has been reported that over 100,000 people have been killed in this Syrian conflict and we actually did nothing but give great speeches, something our president is well known for even though most of the speeches were not on the Syrian conflict.  But, because this president gave a speech in August of 2012 concerning if Syria crossed the line in the sand, he would take action.  In the meantime, thousands more have died and the speeches continued.  But, since the president is being called out on this line in the scene speech, it appears for political purposes, and no other reason, this president is now threatening military action.   

To take military action, this president must go to Congress with the reasons, why, what action we will take and the results that are expected as a result of any action.  Since this president has ignored the constitution since he first took office, this will be interesting to watch and listen to his explanation for action, if he even consults Congress.  Will he even address the American people from the oval office as all presidents have done in the past whether you agreed or not with the action? 

We must all remember back when President Bush wanted to take action against Iraq in 2003 for the threat of developing WMD's that included nuclear weapons and made their presentation to the UN, Congress and the American people while most if not all the Democrats were against taking any action and President Bush was deceiving the American public with false and manufactured information.  Now we all knew that Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons against the Kurds years previously and did possess these weapons, but after the invasion, none was discovered.  We also know he was attempting to secure material for constructing a nuclear weapon.  However, was this a ruse or was these chemical weapons/materials sent to another country, nobody can say.   

So, switching to today, are we seeing the same ruse that President Bush used again being used in this Syrian conflict?  We should be asking ourselves these questions.   

We should not have been involved in Iraq, since we were at that time, using our military to confine Saddam Hussein from using his military with air strikes that were increased at that time and seemed quite sufficient.  Also, Saddam Hussein was a buffer against Iran in the area.  Now, we are seeing what happening in Iraq as a result of our military action.  China moves in and gets most of the oil contracts.  Bet you did not know that.  Muslims are killing Muslims in attempts to topple the government and install an Islamic state.  Afghanistan, will suffer the same fate and we should have just continued using long distance bombing to keep the Taliban in check since history has shown Afghanistan is difficult to conquer and control.  But, we know better and we must bring democracy to these areas.  What these so called well educated people don't understand is that democracy and Islam are not compatible and never will be as long as theses whackos believe in Shariah law. 

So, 100,000 people die in Syria and our government just watches, but now it is claimed that WMD's were used killing maybe 1000 people, by which side is yet to be known, and now we must act.  

The last thing we must do is anything in Syria.  We do not know at this time, who the rebels really represent, although we do know that Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and other radical groups are involved and it is not beyond their thinking to use WMD's to invoke world condemnation.  But because this president must show that he has courage, we will use our military to prove his manhood that will cause us additional enemies in the area as well as increase conflict between China and Russia that are gaining influence in the area. 


So, again the question we must ask and seek answers to, is where is the dissent we saw when President Bush moved to invade Iraq?  Or, is it justifiable for democrats, but if you are a republican, there will be mounting protest?  Time to seek answers before we commit our military and suffer for unwanted deaths.   

Radical Muslims killing radical Muslims is not something I think we should spend money and risk our military to stop.  Sorry to say that, but these people want to live in the 7th century, spread radical Islam over the entire planet and are not concerned if billions of people die in the process.  There is only one country we should defend in the Middle East and that is Israel, although this president through his speeches and actions, or should I say, lack thereof, could care less about Israel.  Yes, there are decent Muslims, and approximately 300 million of the 1.2 billion Muslims want to live in peace, but 300 million radicals is close to what the population of our country is.  So do the math and you realize, we must defeat these radicals and sorry to say, it will not be done using our military in Iraq or Afghanistan and sending missiles and planes over Syria.  Hurt them in their pocketbook by not buying their oil. We can be oil independent, but this president does not want us to be independent.  Remember, he gave Brazil $2 billion to help in their exploration for oil offshore, deep well drilling, something he does not want done here and he promised Brazil that he hoped we would be their biggest purchaser of their oil.   

We are producing more oil then ever, no thanks to this president and his anti-oil pro green energy regime, through use of private land and the use of the procedure known as Fracking.   All research and testing has shown that Fracking is safe, contrary to what so called whacko environmentalist had claimed.  Even in New York State where unemployment is not going down, the governor will  not permit Fracking while just over the border in Pennsylvania they are doing it and seeing economic growth and unemployment decrease.  We can be oil independent,  however our president will not allow drilling on public land.  So, as long as this continues, we will be involved in Middle East conflicts.  Also, remember this, if the oil from the Middle East is shut down, what country will benefit in supplying Europe and other countries with oil.  The answer is simple, Russia.  As this conflicts unfolds, keep that in mind.  Who will be the winners and losers?  

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