Sunday, August 25, 2013

Do you understand what is happening to you and your country?

We have an administration that appears to be anti-Catholic with the imposition of the HHS mandate against religious organizations, especially Catholic religious groups, other Christian organizations and an anti-Israel bias.  This also includes the moves this administration is undertaken to restrict Chaplains in the military in talking about God (DUH), having a bible exposed where others may see it and be offended.  I was always under the impression that the job of Chaplains were to comfort those of religious faith, provide counseling on religious issues, discuss the bible in homilies and provide comfort for our military that are away from their families and for some under stressful situations.  But this is all about Christians and Jews and no mention of Islam.  I will give you three guesses why and the first two do not count.  We also have other members in this administration that are trying to promote this anti-God agenda and are doing their best to make this a secular society.   

Why in a country that has always valued freedom of religion and freedom of speech is this happening?  Well think about this without bringing forth any bias pro or con on this administration.  

Under this administration, we have government that is going to control your medical decisions and this may include life saving decisions.  We have government spying on you whether it is through your Email, telephone, or other means of communications.  If you have a security system in your home that includes video access through either wireless or Internet, the government can access that also and view your home life activities.  If you have the new Smart Meters that electric companies are installing nationwide, aside from the radiation they may be emitting, the government will also be able to control your electric consumption by monitoring your electrical usage and either turn off your meter or if you have some of the latest appliances, some may contain computer chips that can be accessed through Wi-Fi, they will be able to shut that appliance off.  This government controlling every aspect of our life and many of the clueless or low information voters either do not understand, do not care or are completely useless.  Something the government is counting on.  I might add government control of your means of transportation, the automobile.  Something else to think about.   

The NSA spying has exposed all that the government can do to gain control of your life.  This is worst than George Orwell's 1984.  Once government controls your living lifestyle, they got you.  This is not just a democratic issue, but the republicans are not far behind.  Once either party gets power, you can rest assured they will use these spying mechanisms to monitor every aspect of your life.  Not even Stalin or Hitler, could have imagined such secretive spying. 


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