Wednesday, August 21, 2013

More on Egypt

The spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is arrested for inciting his followers to take to the streets and take over the country.  The Obama administration is outraged by this arrest.  At least 47 Christian churches are burned in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood, Christian are murdered, females raped and many of the Coptic Christians are fleeing for their lives. 
In other Arab countries, Christians and Christian churches are suffering the same fate and yet how come this president is not expressing outraged.  If Mosque were being burned, you can bet your life savings this president would be outrage just like he was when the Q'uran was burned.  But, since this president is a Muslim sympathizer, and I believe is a Muslim in disguise, will not speak out against the Muslim Brotherhood. He indicated in his book, that he would stand with his Muslim brothers when situation becomes necessary.  This is not the words that would be spoken by a Christian.  Yes, people say he is using drones to kill terrorist leaders, but if you really follow what is happening in all these Islamic countries, Muslims are killing Muslims to gain control.  So, the killing of Muslims by drones is not something a Muslim would be concerned about.  Our president is not a Christian, but was raised a Muslim when he lived in Indonesia and in reality in his case, once a Muslim, always a Muslim.  In fact as has been reported, there are at least 4 members with Muslim Brotherhood ties in his administration.  The mother of Anthony Weiner's wife is a member of Sisterhood of the Muslim Brotherhood and yet she was an adviser to Hillary Clinton. Just check the facts before ignoring what is being said. 
This president has not stepped to the podium and spoken out against these attacks on Christian and their churches and unless it becomes necessary for political reasons, he never will.  He is doing his best through Executive powers, he does not have under the constitution, but the republicans have no balls to stop him from destroying this country and bring us down.  If he does not do it, he then has Federal agencies initiate regulations that will do his work.   Believe me if the Pope, the leader of the Greek Church and other Christian religions, spoke out demanding their followers kill non believers, burn Mosques etc., this president and the lamestream media would be outraged.  Our elected officials from both parties are only interested in remaining in office, keeping their party and themselves in power.  It is not about our constitution and what our Founding Fathers gave us, but about power and screw the people.  Yet, the people are still dumb enough to re-elect these idiots. 

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