Thursday, August 1, 2013

Politics, corruption and debt

Our political system has become too complicated and corrupt.  Every single candidate lies to get elected and then sells his soul to the special interest groups who gave him the money to run his campaign.  We have a bludgeoning deficit that will soon be over $17 Trillion and it seems the mainstream news media is not outraged and neither is our elected representatives.  If they were, they would be moving to cut spending and give us a balance budget that would reduce the deficit rather than promote their 10 year deficit reduction plan that actually increases the deficit, but only at a slightly slower pace then we are seeing today.  Instead of leadership, we get self-centered, narcissistic idiots either giving campaign speeches, claiming the scandals are phony and more interested in the next election over the future of this country.  In addition, we are going to spend $700 million on advertising Obamacare, but only in those states that will be competitive in the next election.  Our Tax dollars used for a political party. 

Our elected officials engage in partisan politics only interested in their maintaining their position in the capital of corruption while spending billions of dollars in the various agencies, many of which should be abolished, but are used to gain more government control over We The People.  They are more interested in power rather than actually address the real issues, that if not addressed, could destroy this country.   When you have egomaniac elected officials in both parties, can you expect otherwise.  

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