Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rep. Ellison and more

Rep. Ellison, D, MN as suggested that government does not have financial problems, it is just government doesn't take enough of the people's money.  A typical statement by a progressive or better identified as their real name Socialist.  These people believe that government should decide how much money you should make and how much the government should take.  The old Robin Hood syndrome where government knows best on how to spend your money and it is better if government redistributes your money according to their beliefs even if they are contrary to yours.  As Margaret Thatcher is once credited as saying, "Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money".   

It is so easy for this administration and Congress to spend your money since it is not theirs and if there is not enough, they will just take more through taxation.  It is so easy for them to spend money when it does not come out of their pocket.  The whole idea for this administration to redistribute your money is to give more to the people to earn their votes.  They are using our tax dollars by distributing it through government programs, Obama phones, food stamps, tax credits, unemployment extensions, welfare and more.  It has been proven that many people will wait until their unemployment benefits are close to ending before they will take a job.  Under the so called stimulus bill that President Obama signed in 2009, the previous welfare program that the Republican Congress passed in 1995 and President Clinton signed that required people to seek employment and these benefits would only last a short time.  But under the Obama Administration, working is an option.  Eventually, these government handouts will ensure that the democrats will continually win elections until either the people run out of money, the people realize that it is better to receive than give thus accelerating the government going broke or they wake up and vote these leaches out of office.  But, both parties do their best to prevent this by making sure the candidates they select are in keeping with their ideology.  It is not what the people want or what the constitution says, but what will get them elected and keep themselves in power.  After all, we see how President Obama has kept peace in Congress by making sure they will not have to pay 100% of their Obamacare premiums as we will have to pay.  It is all about I got mine and screw you.  When and until the voters awaken, this is what we will be living with.  But as long as there are government freebees out there, it will not happen in our lifetime.  As long as this government ignores or circumvents the constitution we will not see improvement.   

By the way, with all the problems with Obamacare, the belief has always been that it was made to fail, by forcing everyone on this insurance and forcing present medical insurance companies out of business and then Obama and his democratic cronies get what they wanted all along, Single Payer System.  A system where if you have a serious illness or are over 60 years of age, your chance of getting medical attention that you would receive under today's insurance plans is slim and none.  Obamacare and a Single Payer System can only survive by limiting treatment and keeping cost down.  This is similar to what Hitler desired with his Aryan race program.  Only the best and healthiest survive and the crippled, lame and sickly are put out to pasture.  Then again, that is what Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood founder pushed where not only the sickly would be killed, but either abort or sterilize blacks and those with mental health issues, deformities or will become a burden to society.  This is basically what Obamacare is all about.  Treatment for those that will not become a burden to Obamacare or the country.  If you take the time to actually think thing through and not listen to the rhetoric on both sides, you will see this to be the truth.  Unless of course you have the money to pay for all types of medical treatment and not cost Obamacare money.   

The NSA continues to spy on us, the IRS continues to harass conservative groups, Benghazi scandal continues to grow, the DOJ continues to ignore Congress and Congress and the President believe they deserve a vacation while our whole government becomes a laughing stock and gets deeper in debt.   

We are under a tyrannical and totalitarian government where our constitution has no meaning but only what they think has meaning.  And We The People allow this to happen.  If We The People do not attend our representative's town hall meetings and speak out, we deserve the government we have.  Remember this in 2014 election and Trust in God, Not Government.

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