Thursday, September 28, 2017

The NFL and our National Anthem

I would make a guess that if you quizzed the NFL players that have refused to stand for our National Anthem, or instead lock arms in another form of resistance without putting their hand over their heart, the history of our Anthem, they would be clueless.  Their high school and college education did not include the history of this country.  They have all falling victim to “group think” and believe lies about all the police brutality out there and how blacks are being slaughtered by police.  Of course, I would like to challenge these well-educated athletes to walk around the south side of Chicago just one weekend and see who is killing who.  The stats on black on black crime in this country are amazing, but when you engage in group think and do not have the ability to think things out for yourself, you get a group of uninformed people who are demonstrating their stupidity every game day.  What you have are just overpaid and some under-performing athletes, making mega millions that are out of touch with reality.

President Trump did not bring race into this argument but only addressed the disrespect to our flag and National Anthem and all those that have shed life and limb for our country.  But when the left cannot argue with facts, they always use race to garner attention and these well-educated athletes have allowed others to think for them.   Naturally, the main stream media that have demonstrated their hatred for President Trump from the beginning, foster this hatred.   Again, one must look at the facts or just allow others to do your thinking. 

By the way to all you athletes out there that protest, the National Anthem was written by Francis Scott Key while he was held on a British ship in Baltimore Harbor as the British were bombing Ft. McHenry all night and low and behold, the flag remained standing to the dismay of the British.  Also, that was the war of 1812 against the British and yet you kneeled down in England, a foreign country for our National Anthem, but stood for theirs.  For that I can say, you guys all suck.

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