Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tax cuts, and why Democrats hate tax cuts

When government cuts taxes that puts more money in your pocket to spend or save and more money into a business that can then expand and hire more employees. 

The problem the democrats have with tax cuts is that it puts money in your pocket for you to spend as you want and denies the democrats the opportunity to spend your tax dollars the way they want.  

It all comes down to simple logic.  You spend, businesses expand and the government gets more money in taxes paid with the increase in employment, sales tax and more income.  

Naturally, the democrats will be loud and boisterous in their claim that any tax cut is welfare for the rich.  But again, what the dems fail to say is that the rich spend money and will spend more with more to spend.  This puts money into the economy, decreases unemployment, increases wages and taxes paid to government.  But, this is logical and we know the dems are lost when it comes to logic.

Now, we will hear from the dems about how tax cuts will cause the deficit to rise.  But, we did not hear that cry for the entire Obama administration where Obama and company double our deficit that took our government from 1779 to 2008 to accumulate.  It took Obama just 8 years and they will scream about the deficit they ignored.  

Show me a democrat that wants to put more of your hard earned money in your pocket and I will show a democrat that is a liar or is on drugs.

Now we want to encourage congress to combine tax cuts with drastic spending cuts.  Spending cuts must be a big part of getting the government’s spending in order.  But, we do know that one thing members of congress do not want to do is cut anything.  They lack the courage to cut anything.  

If we can eliminate state and local taxes from tax forms this would drive the big liberal states such as NY, Cal, Mass, Chicago nuts.  It would  be enjoyable to  watch.

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