Saturday, July 29, 2017

The left Democrats and fellow Liberals definition of Free Speech

Just what Obama said when meant when he wanted to transform the United States.  Free speech is only free if it is what the left wants to hear.  

The left also likes to claim that conservatives should not impose their morality on others.  But, it is acceptable for the left liberals and fellow democrats to force their immorality on us.  If we do not accept the LBGTQ or whatever letter they wish to use to describe their immorality then we are racist, bigots, misogynous and pro God.  

The constitution guarantees us certain freedoms under the first 10 amendments AKA the Bill of Right.  But, it seems the 1st amendment is being misinterpreted as guaranteeing freedom from religion, but it actually says, freedom of religion.  This was the 1st amendment to our constitution because to succeed in the colonies, you had to be a member of the Church of England.  Our Founders believed your religious beliefs should not be a factor.   But, we are witnessing the liberals attacking religion and doing their best to remove religion and God from our lives.  We must stand up and fight back this hatred.

What Thomas Payne wrote in his pamphlet, Common Sense fits today.  “These are the times that try men’s souls.  The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and women.  Tyranny like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph”.  Do not shy away from the rhetoric of these radicals that have taken over the Democratic Party, our colleges and schools, but stand up and fight back and destroy this evil.  We will defeat these Satan warriors, but doing nothing and burying your head in the sand hoping it will go away, is not the way to fight and will not be successful.  We are fighting these liberals and the radical news media that supports this ideology contrary to what they claim.  The survival of our country is at stake.  These leftist could care less about our constitution or country, but are only interested in power and control of the people.  We are witnessing how successful it is working in Venezuela today.  As John Paul Jones once said, “We have only begun to fight”.

The election of Trump has these radicals and democrats in a quandary as their plans for a takeover of government with Hillary was not realized, so they are attacking the people’s choice through slander, fake and false accusations.  But, right will triumph if we stand up and push back against these elitist establishment in both political parties who see the swamp in jeopardy.  We are on the right side of history.   

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