Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Healthcare, Republicans and Democrats

We are witnessing the swamp lying and deceiving the voting public with both parties lying to the electorate over Obamacare.  We were told by former President Obama and the democrats that if you liked your doctor you can keep him.  If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it.  You will save $2500 a year.  All lies.  The democrats knew it then and we all know it now.  

Now the republicans insisted they have a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare just give us the House, then the Senate and then the White House.  So, since most of us do not like or want the government dictating what we can and cannot purchase when it comes to healthcare, we voted for republicans.  It now turns out, the republicans lie just like their opposition.  Neither party has any intention of repealing and replacing Obamacare.  However, they will go through the motions, but the electorate will suffer from all the mandates in Obamacare.  

Now for the three magic words in referencing the republicans.   You would think, after Trump won the election on November 8th, that the republicans would have begun developing a repeal and replacement starting on November 9th.  But, since doing so would reduce all the bribes and funding the members of both parties receive from the insurance industry, they will not vote for a funding shortage in their pockets.  

The swamp does not have the electorate in mind when it comes to legislation.  It is all about those who can buy influence.  That is why the richest community in this country is located in Washington DC and Northern Virginia where many of the influence peddlers and House and Senate members reside.  

Next year we will have 435 House members up for reelection and in the Senate, 23 democrats and 10 republicans.  Now, wouldn’t it be nice if we could replace them all with people not affiliated with either party.  Of course, we must make sure they are not affiliated with progressives, socialist, Marxist or communist.  We saw how great socialism works in Venezuela today and how only those who advocate socialist government benefit.  I use Bernie Sanders as a perfect example, who is usually residing in one of his three homes.  In all probability, the one that he purchased for $600,000 about this time last year.  It seems this purchase came after he lost the democratic primary and right after all the anti-Sanders Emails came out.  Wonder if the house purchase was a payoff?

The whole idea of Obamacare was to become too expensive so people would cry out for single payer.  Of course, when government is in control of your medical coverage, they will dictate what procedures you can and cannot receive.  That is why, those who live in Canada and can afford it, will cross the border for treatment in the States rather then be denied or be subject to months of waiting.  

If you are not sure what will work, just read about how government control of your healthcare has affected baby Charlie Gard and his parents in England.  Government controlled the medical decisions and not the parents.  In fact, when Obamacare was in the process of passing it was brought out that those individuals that should receive the most healthcare are between the ages of 15 to 55.  Just give that some thought.  That is government controlled healthcare.  

Until members of Congress are subjected to the same legislation they demand we follow, you might as well bend over and get screwed.  It will never happen until we drain the swamp.

All this is why we need a Constitutional Convention where 34 states can call for a convention and 38 states are needed to approve any constitutional amendment.  Repeal the 17th amendment, term limits for congress and no lifetime appointments for judges as starters.  Congress has no control over a constitutional convention, so you can rest assured they will go apoplectic if we are successful.  Maybe we could also include any member of congress receiving “donations” from lobbyist, are subject to arrest and if convicted a minimum of 10 years in jail.  Also, members of congress must submit to the public every quarter, their net worth.  This way, with a salary of $174.000 per year, we can then have them explain a $600.000 to $4 million home, unless they entered congress with such funds.  Imagine, our elected representatives being honest to the electorate.  Quick, somebody pinch me to see if I am dreaming. 

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