Monday, July 10, 2017

Healthcare. The best way to fix it.

The republicans ran for seven years on a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.  They tried in 2015, but Obama vetoed the legislation.  Like we did not know that would happen.  

The democrats ran since Obamacare passed, that it is the greatest thing since man walked the planet.  It is obvious, the republicans are afraid to do anything that would jeopardize their chance of staying in power while the democrats are doing their best to keep Obamacare and prevent the republicans from producing a new bill.  Even though those of us with a little brain power know the democrats lied and deceived the people with Obamacare and how great it was going to be.   We now know it is a failure, cost are skyrocketing, insurance companies are pulling out of states and the people are left with high deductibles or no insurance.  So, we know both parties have lied to the American people.  One party claimed to have a plan and the other gave us a plan that is a failure, cost more, people lost their insurance and their doctor contrary to what was preached.  

So, how do we solve this?  I believe we should leave Obamacare in place to satisfy the democrats and the republicans pass legislation that allows the American people to decide for themselves what insurance they wish to purchase to fit their needs and to be able to purchase this insurance across state lines.  That is, to have the insurance companies compete for their business.  Except this plan will not have the mandates in the Obamacare plan.  This gives the American public a chance to use the free market to determine the insurance they want and not what the government dictates they want you to have.  If Obamacare is as great as the democrats claim, then it should be allowed to continue and people will be given a choice of two different plans.  Government mandated insurance with services people do not want or free market health insurance that the people can decide they want.  

We all know, anything government gets their hands involved in, becomes costly and screwed up.  Take Medicare for example.  In 1965 we were told Medicare would cost approximately $65 Million a year and today the cost estimates is over $650 Billion a year.  Just a slight difference.  

If government was so good, why not have government take over all the banks, stock markets, IRA’s, 401 K’s and even all bank accounts since they have shown how great they are in conducting businesses.  We see how successful this has been in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and even Russia today that has an economy ready to collapse.  In case you are not aware, Russia requires a barrel of oil to be priced at $125 per at a minimum.  With prices below $50 per barrel, their economy suffers, but with all the bluster from Putin, this does not get reported.  

We are a free market economy, we are not a socialist country, but a Democratic Republic, a republic form of government not seen since governments were formed on this planet. Don’t confuse us with those that call themselves a democracy.  After all even North Korea calls themselves a democracy.  

The answer is free market and let the people choose the coverage they want with additional catastrophic coverage.  People that are 26 years old are not children and by that time should have their own coverage.  Unless of course they are Obama/Hilary supporters and are still in the fetus position and need constant counseling since the Trump election.   

As for Medicaid, many people that had their own insurance and a good income are now on Medicaid since they lost their insurance because Obamacare was unaffordable with all the mandates.  Medicaid was for the poor and those in the low income bracket or unemployed and with no insurance.  It has been reported that those earning between $50,000 and $100,000 are under Medicaid.  I think something is wrong with this picture.  

Naturally, we will need a pool mainly supported by a small percentage of profits from insurance companies on preexisting conditions as well as small additional tax on fuel of of one to two cents that goes directly into this pool every quarter.

That is my solution.  It seems simple, would work, not complicated and would be cheaper than Obamacare.  I guess maybe that is why it will not see the like of day. Congress does not do simple.  But remember one thing, when Congress passes legislation it makes sure they are not included.  They get a pass.

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