Thursday, July 20, 2017

Charlie Gard and Healthcare

We are witnessing in England with the Charlie Gard story what government controlled healthcare, AKA single payer, gets you when you or a member of your family suffers from an illness that requires higher than normal medical expenses.
The court in England wants to remove the all life support that is sustaining the life of Charlie Gard because, in their words, “He will not have a quality of Life.”  That statement, although not unusual from government controlled healthcare, should send shock waves from all those parents who have children with Down Syndrome, Autism and others that are born with physical or mental health issues.  Even though these parents love their child and will raise their child with anyone of these medical issues, with single payer government controlled healthcare the decision may be made for them.  If government determines the financial burden on the healthcare system may be too expensive, and they believe that the child or even an adult will not have a quality of life, then they may order the life of that person be terminated or euthanize.  Yes, today even in our country, some states and the District of Columbia, are supporting euthanasia for those that are becoming a medical burden and doctors can agree that your life is not worth living.  For those with poor memories, it was President Obama in 2010 with Obamacare passing that President Obama stated that rather than be a burden on the medical system, “you should go home and take a pill”.  

This is the direction Obamacare is going if it is not repealed and replaced or if there is a push for single payer government controlled healthcare.  If this happens, medical decisions that could affect you or your family, will be made by some government bureaucrat based on cost, age of patient and will there be quality of life.  It use to be where doctors and medical facilities would do their best to save lives, but now we are heading down the road where the cost will supersede all medical decisions.    We see this with the Charlie Gard story and we will see it here.  Life is worth living, unless government is in control.  

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