Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Real Freedom according to Bernie Sanders and Pocahontas

If you have been listening to these two brain surgeons you realize their interpretation of freedom means free stuff.  Free college, medical coverage, $15 minimum wage, easier access to government handouts.  Of course under such a socialist system, government must get the money from somewhere and guest where government will get that money?  We are witnessing the great success of socialism in Venezuela where the citizens of Venezuela are so enthused on how great socialism is, that they are out demonstrating in the streets on its success.

Our present Republic form of government means less government not more.  We know government screws up everything it touches.  It is not government that sent men to the moon, but the research and development of private industry that made it happen.  Government provided the money and the astronauts.  Private industry takes the idea and through R&R produces the item.  

What this tells us as we see with Obamacare, government is the problem and not the solution.  State and local governments that have been forcing businesses to pay $15 per hour are seeing an increase in unemployment and reduction in employees in businesses.  Just visit a McDonald's or other fast food business and you will see them installing Kiosk where you can order and pick up at the counter avoiding the counter person.  If you have a business that employs 30 people, you will now have 15 employees or less to maintain you profit margin.  It is common sense, but that is something liberal governments are clueless about.  Then again, if you are forced to pay $15 per hour, you can demand the minimum of an Associate Degree to achieve a starting salary of $31,000 per year.  Liberals have great ideas that require no thought, especially since it will not come out of their pocket.

By the way, Bernie Sanders, who champions socialism as the way to go, owns three homes.  This means, do as I say, not as I do.  Pocahontas is no better with her financials.   Under socialism, the people in control enjoy the good life, while the citizens suffer.  It has always been that way.  At least until there is another revolution and you get shot.

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