Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Obama & Company laughing all the way to the bank

Former President Obama claimed to be a champion of the poor, and as I have said many times, when he speaks listen to what he says, but watch what he does.  The same goes for Sanders and Pocahontas.

Obama is now out there enjoying the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous with trips all over the world that he is not paying for and those that he does, he pays from his huge bank account.  In other words, he is looking down on those he allegedly championed as he is now enjoying this life style.

Meanwhile, those other to champions of the poor, Bernie Sanders and Pocahontas also enjoy a different life style from those they defend.  Sanders enjoys three homes and purchased his 3rd home this past summer for a low price of $600,000, something all the low income people can afford.   Pocahontas enjoys a nice lifestyle which only proves the old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do”.  Now the Sanders home purchase is interesting since it happen after Hillary won the fraud democratic nomination, as Emails indicated, and when he did not voice or protest the DNC conspiring against him.  Just another item to think about.

Of course, these three love to push socialism as the cure all for the dismay of the people where everyone will be treated equally.  Do you really think they want you to enjoy the life of the rich and famous or is that just for them only?  Well, in case you are not sure, just check our other countries that have enjoyed socialism.  Cuba where only Castro and friends enjoy the good lifestyles.  Venezuela where Maduro and his family enjoy the lifestyle and have a sufficient supply of toilet paper and money and do not suffer like their constituents.  Or maybe even North Korea where Kim Jong-Un is not starving to death as his people are every day.  

Again it all comes down to “Do as I say, not as I do”.  Socialism, communism and Marxism all comes down to you suffer while the leaders live.  Fancy words and slogans make it sound good, but once you see through the cover, reality raises its ugly head and you realize, “what the hell am I supporting”.

Success comes from hard work, not government handouts.  Or, as they say in Washington DC, success comes not from the salary the people are paying through their tax dollars, but from how much money from influence peddling you can receive.  Nearly 40 years ago is was said that members of Congress cannot be bribed, but they can be influenced.  Of course, the influence is money.  That is why you must examine your members of congress net income before and after they took office.  What was their net worth before being elected and what is it now after a few years in office.  It should awaken you to why we need term limits and a call for a State Constitutional convention to repeal the seventeenth amendment and get term limits of no more than 4 terms for the House and 2 terms for the Senate and you cannot serve more than 12 years total in congress.  Congress is the swamp that needs draining.  Just listen to both sides.  The democrats resist and obstruct while the republicans appear clueless on what they promised and what they are doing.  Meanwhile, we suffer with a collapsing Obamacare Healthcare, a rising debt and all congress wants to do is spend money to keep themselves in office while we will eventually go bankrupt or we will carry a heavy tax burden to reduce our deficit.  This will be extremely difficult as congress only knows how to spend your tax dollars, not how to reduce spending.  I believe, for every year congress does not cut spending and reduce the debt, their salary is cut 15%.  Hurt congress where they hurt us, in the pocket. 

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