Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Trump agenda. Will Congress put up roadblocks?

As of Friday, January 20th right after Trump took the oath of office, the establishment in both parties, that includes Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell were put on notice that change is coming and Congress works for the people and we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people and not a government for congressional members to use as they wish for their own enrichment.  

Instead of extending the debt ceiling in March, Trump wants cuts in government spending through cuts in all agencies and if possible to eliminate many of the more than 600 agencies that mostly serve at the whim of congress for patronage jobs.  Featherbedding and such must end and congress must go back to work for the good of the country not their pockets, or a particular group or organizations.  Taxpayer money must be spent wisely and earmarks, pork barrel spending or whatever term used, must end.  The business of congress is to serve the country not themselves, their family, friends and associates. 

So congress has been put on notice, but will the elitist in both parties honor their pledge to the constitution when they took office, or will they put up roadblocks against any action by the Trump administration that may endanger their country club.  

If this happens, the people must speak out and let their representative know their displeasure and not fall for their false rhetoric.  The time to reign in government is now.  A $20 Trillion debt is not manageable and any idea in solving this is to just raise the debt ceiling is unacceptable.  This is how congress avoids their fiduciary and financial responsibilities by avoiding making hard choices.  So, the government shuts down.  No big deal as Medicare, Social Security, military and other agencies will not be affected, but we will see what is classified as non-essential and then scratch our heads and wonder if this agency or group of people are non-essential, why?  Can we not cut here?  Tough decisions must be made, but does congress have the courage to make tough decisions?  As of this writing, I would say no.  Many members of congress are only interested in themselves and not the country.  From the day they get elected, they are planning and fund raising to get themselves re-elected.  If they put in as much time and effort into working for the country, we would not have $20 Trillion in debt and government would be streamlined and more efficient, unlike what we see today. 

We have a president for the first time that is a successful business person and knows that inefficiency does not work and is costly, something congress does not understand.  You cannot just throw money at an issue under the illusion this will correct or solve the problem.  Costly, inefficient programs and agencies must be cut, but again, does congress have the will power or courage to take on this task.  If not, I suggest they resign and bring someone else who understands business and cutting cost is the only way to bring the cost of government under control.  

How will the public react if congress blocks Trump’s agenda?  I hope the public will get the message out to congress, reduce government or get out of the way. 

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