Sunday, January 8, 2017

Liberalism, progressives and racism

It is interesting how ballistic the progressives are over the election of Trump.  When Obama was elected we did not see Facebook and YouTube postings of people crying, needing psychological counseling, demonstrations in the streets and verbal and sometimes physical assault on Obama supporters.  The anti-Obama voters accepted the election and then worked towards electing more conservatives to Congress and state governments.  However, the progressives when they realized their socialist/Marxist programs of more government control of our lives and businesses are being rejected, resort to what they always do, call their opposition racist.  It is the usual verbal rant when they cannot accept rejection of their grandiose programs.
Now, the rip off artist Al Sharpton, is using the democratic talking points that Jeff Sessions, the selection as Attorney General is a racist.  Whenever I hear this buffoon speak on racism, I have two words for him, Tawana Brawley.
You are a racist if you oppose Obama, Obamacare, open boarders, gay marriage, Radical Islam, or use that term.  What they fail to tell you is that the KKK were democrats opposed to blacks and their voting, and the governments in the south that opposed integration in our schools were controlled by democrats.
President Obama has increased our debt $10 Trillion, more than all the other previous presidents combined and it definitely was time for a change to reduce the size of government, lower taxes and lower regulations and elect a person that has business experience and not political connections.  That is not racism.
This past election was about saving our constitutional rights that Hillary and her ilk wanted to destroy through the court system or another illegal executive order rather than use the constitutional amendment process that is supposed to be the only way to alter our constitution.  Nowhere does it state the courts can change our constitution.   But as we have seen, the liberals do not believe in our constitution as written unless there is a section that they believe supports their allegations.
President Obama has increased our debt $10 Trillion, more than all the other previous presidents combined and it definitely was time for a change to reduce the size of government, lower taxes and lower regulations and elect a person that has business experience and not political connections.  But, we also know that there are establishment republicans who like their democratic colleagues want to keep up their country club deals and ignore the electorate until the next election where they will make more promises. 

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