Monday, January 16, 2017

The Inauguration Withdrawal

As of this writing, we have 31 democrats that will not attend the inauguration.  But, does anyone really cares if any democrat attends?  Now, when Obama was elected, we did not see such viral hate and the republicans attended the inauguration.  Again, would you expect anything else from a group of losers and crybabies?  Because that is exactly what they are.  When they were children and they were not selected to participate in an activity, they took their ball and went home. "We did not get what we wanted and take that".  Good riddance.  The country will still run and we will not be using their socialist/Marxist agenda, but our constitution.  Or as Obama said to Sen. McCain, elections have consequences, I won, you lost. 

I might add, if you work in a business where you work under a new boss you do not like, then you quit your job and go elsewhere.  This is what these 31 democrats should do in protest.  But, we know that will never happen and give up their $174,000 salary plus perks, in addition to the millions they mostly likely made in other areas.  Remember, Hillary claimed they were broke when they left the White House and now they are worth over $150 Million.  Wouldn't we all like a job like that where your other income exceeds your basic salary.  How many poor politicians can you identify.  The answer is none.  Something, Trump wants to upset and these elitist in both parties want to prevent.  

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