Thursday, January 12, 2017

The clueless, Democrats and Cabinet Senate Hearings

So, one of the biggest clueless, Rosie O’Donnell believes we should declare Marshal Law throughout the country with the upcoming inauguration of Donald Trump.  Of course, we all know that the anti-Trump radicals need protection from their perceived threat that their heads may explode when they awaken to the fact that we are a Democratic Republic and not a democracy or social/Marxist country and that we actually have a constitution that governs this country and not a dictator who issues executive orders. 

Then, during the cabinet hearings in the senate today, another clueless senator started quizzing CIA nominee Mike Pompeo on global warming where 97% of scientist she has recorded (about 17) claim global warming is real.  Of course, she fails to report what other scientist that do not believe we are undergoing global warming and that volcanic activity since 1980 has spilled more pollutants into the atmosphere then man has created since their time on this planet.  

Then we have the BuzzFeed report on blackmail on Trump from Russia.  This report was around for over 7 months and ignored by both the intelligence community, and even Harry Reid, but for some reason, our illustrious Senator from NY, Charles Schumer who warned Trump last week about this report that Trump heard in his intelligence briefing last week and yet, for some reason this false, fake news report comes out.  Makes one wonder what did Sen. Schumer know when a few days later this report comes out.  Just throwing that out there.  

When Obama got elected we did not see this disgusting display of false rhetoric, angry people and sometimes violence when McCain or Romney did not get elected.  I guess those who did not vote Obama, knew that they would have to try harder next election.  And they did, by electing more republicans to state capitals, legislators and both houses of Congress. 

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