Monday, January 9, 2017

Meryl Streep

So Meryl Streep steps up to the microphone and gives the usual liberal/progressive rant against president elect Trump and received applauds from the audience that was as clueless as she was.  

The election of Trump was a fair election and the votes cast were not altered or changed by Russia or any other nation that may have hacked into our election system.  This was brought out in the security report last week and yet the news media and the Hollywood clueless seemed to have ignored this important point.  We can call this Fake News that has been championed by MSNBC, CNN and ABC, CBS and ABC.  These same Fake News broadcast companies have failed to mention that the voting locations in the various county locations in each state were not connected to the internet.  As far as I know, in order to hack into an internet system, it must be connected to the internet.  Maybe these countries that try 24 hours a day to hack into all our business, Federal Government, state government that are internet connected, may have some type of ray that they can use to hack into systems that are not internet connected.  I think we should float out that theory and I am sure the Hollywood clueless would jump all over that. 

The hate that the radical liberal left espouses encourages anarchy that we may see during the inauguration and probably during the entire Trump administration.  These people that have always considered themselves the most tolerant of different point of views have been exposed for what they are.  The most intolerant people on the planet.  This intolerant actions have spilled over into our high schools and collages where the students and the professors shut down any speech that is contrary to their point of view.  

But the clueless Meryl Streep in her words insulted those 62 plus million voters that cast a ballot for Donald Trump.  I guess she considers the Trump supporters the same as Hillary Clinton, Deplorables.   Something the left fails to understand what can happen if you call those who disagree with your point of view such names.   The 2018 election is not that far off and if the left continue in their name calling and obstructionism, then there will be another change where the democrats will lose more senate seats.  There will be 24 democratic seats up for election and only 9 republicans.  So, we must continue to encourage the democrats to continue their attack, name calling and obstructionism so they will lose more seats. Naturally, just like the loss of Hillary election, they will not understand this lost either.  The clueless just don’t get it.  Again, quoting Forrest Gump, “Stupid is what Stupid does”.  

Or as Albert Einstein is broadly credited with exclaiming “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.

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