Sunday, January 15, 2017

Boycotting the Inauguration and more

We are learning how some performers have been intimidated into not performing at the Trump inauguration by left wing socialist/Marxist radicals that together with their comrades within the Democratic Party are trying their best to make the inauguration a disaster.  Try as they may though, that will never happen. What they are actually doing is showing the entire country their true colors and the socialist/Marxist ideology they embrace over our Constitutional Republic.  The same ideology that has doomed the former Soviet Union and their Eastern Bloc countries as well as Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela today and believe it or not China with their propped up economy.  I might add that this is the ideology that Obama was taught and embraced during his teens and twenties and believes in today.  

Under their ideology, freedom of speech is only free if it meets their criteria.  Freedom of the press is acceptable if the stories are those they have approved in advance.  We have learned how those in the news media would show the Obama people what they intended to say or write and awaited their approval.  Would you expect otherwise from the same news media that gave questions in advanced to Hillary Clinton that were going to be asked at the presidential debate.  

Our freedom will only be free if we reject these socialist/Marxist and stand our ground never let them gain a foothold in our Republic and drive them back into the caves they came from.  Or take up a collection to help them fly to Canada where they promise to go or even better to Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea.  Three countries that embrace this ideology.  

These radicals see their grip on our country and freedom slipping away as the American public hopefully has awaken to this threat to their freedom.  This why they are doing their best to demonstrate and disrupt the upcoming inauguration in a vain attempt to discredit Trump and his administration as a stolen election with the help of Russia.  Yet, as I stated and others in FBI, CIA and the Obama administration have stated, the Russians did not hack into the voting systems of our country and did not alter any votes as some in the media would want you to believe.  
Either the Russians, China, North Korea or even Israel may have hacked into the DNC and released the Emails that showed the conspiracy within the Democratic Party to block Bernie Sanders from securing the democratic nomination that was handed to Hillary as far back as 2008 after the Obama election.  As for John Podesta, when you give out your password, you can expect your Emails to be hacked.  Stupidity is what stupid does.

In fact, if one was to do a little research, one would find that some of the big organizations that contributed to the Democratic Party and individual candidates were front organizations for the Communist Party USA and a lot of that money went to democratic candidates in California.  But that requires a little effort in researching. 
As I have stated many times, Obama was and still is anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-England and is living the Dreams of His Father, the same title of his book.  His father believed these three countries were responsible for all the ills of the world and the father had a great hate for England since they sent troops into what is now Kenya during Mau Mau uprising in opposition to British colonialism in what was an English colony at the time.   The Prime Minister at the time of the quelling of the Mau Mau uprising was none other than Winston Churchill.  That is why, on the third day of Obama’s term in office he returned the bust of Winston Churchill to the British embassy.  This bust was given to Pres. George Bush for the United States to show England’s support for our country after 9-11.

This explains why in the closing weeks of his administration, Pres. Obama had the UN vote against Israel and in a meeting in Europe today, Sunday, Jan. 15, John Kerry will push for more condemnation of Israel again.  Pres. Obama has already screwed our country and has done his best to get even with England.  This explains the Obama foreign policy for the past 8 years.  Understand this, and you are awaken to why we have a reduced military, withdrawn from the Middle East, permitted Russia to have free reign in the Middle East and Europe and allowed China to push their aggressiveness in the South China Sea.  Under Obama’s thinking, you understand the world situation that has collapsed into chaos.  In Obama’s eyes, he has succeeded with his agenda.  Now it will be up to Trump to right the ship.  Without our leadership in the world over the past 8 years we are witnessing the end result.  We hope and pray, Pres. Trump will make the necessary changes and improvements to our country thus bringing back our leadership as a block to Russian, China, and other nations that had free reign for 8 years.  The world is crying out for a real leader and Trump has told the world, we are coming back and help is on the way starting Friday, January 20th at 12 noon.    We will not only Make America Great Again, but our enemies will also know, We Are Back.

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