Friday, August 5, 2016

The Ransom that wasn't? Money Laundering?

The ransom that the Obama administration denies was ransom.  But, one must look at the facts.  We have one of the hostages discussing being on the plane to leave Iran, but they had to wait hours because they were told that they could not leave until another plane arrive.  And you guessed it, the plane they were all waiting for was an unmarked plane carrying $400 Million.  Now the administration claiming this money was owed to Iran since 1979 and that it was given to the US for military equipment the Shah of Iran was to have purchased before he was forced out of power by the Iranian militants.  This was money kept by us for 47 years and all of a sudden it is given to Iran on the same day the hostages were flown out of Iran.  Just a coincidence.  I mean, after 47 years, Obama felt it was time to give the money back and the fact the hostages were flown out right after the money was flown into Iran was just a coincidence.   Just another lie from this administration together with Fast and Furious, IRS hassling conservative groups, NSA spying on Americans, EPA and ATF going after republican supporters and donors; Obamacare you can keep you doctor and insurance plan; Benghazi, the awful video that Hillary never mentioned and how we have been vetting all the immigrants from Syria that takes at least two years; in addition to those shovel ready jobs that were not shovel ready and the money going to their political supporters, (Unions and fund raisers).  And lest we forget the investment in green energy companies that went under a few months after receiving mega millions.   Of course the owners of these companies were, you guessed it, Obama supporters.  
Yes, Hillary was involved in most if not all of these lies and criminal activities.  Yet, the socialist/Marxist democrats want of to know that she is qualified for the presidency.  The only place Hillary is highly qualified for is Leavenworth for about 20 years with Bill next to her.  

By transferring US Currency into unmarked foreign currency is known as money laundering.  If we did that, we would be arrested.   

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