Monday, August 29, 2016

Colin Kaepernick’s sit down and more

We have seen 49er quarterback or should we say back-up quarterback sitting for the National Anthem.  When interviewed, his explanation fit right into the inflammatory rhetoric of black lives matter, the socialist democrats and of course, Hillary Clinton.  

However, I would like to point out that Kaepernick’s response fits in to the type of education we see the young people of today are receiving in our schools from grade school to college.  That is, they are not being taught the history of this country from our founders to present.  Yes, there were slavery at the time of our founding, but what they are not learning is that these slaves that were coming from Africa, were being sold by their own people.  In addition, some of the slave owners were blacks and not just whites.  Also, the Democratic Party was the big supporter of slavery, resisted ending slavery that gave us the Civil War and still after the war the democrats did their best to prevent any form of legislation being passed through Congress.  Yes, right after the Civil War Constitutional Amendments 13,14 and 15th were passed, but without democratic support. 

However, what these cements heads are being taught in school today is how great Marxism, Socialism and Atheism is.  This is why we see moral collapse in our society, and a move towards government controlling our lives on the belief that their lives will be better.  What they are not being taught is the contributions our country made to the world in addition to saving the world from military conquest at the sacrifice of many of our lives.  The contributions of a capitalist society under a Democratic Republic form of government in comparison to the slaughter of hundreds of millions of citizens under a socialist/Marxist/Atheist form of society and government.  

Unless we demand returning to lessons of the history of our country being taught in our schools, we will lose the only form of government that world has ever seen and has accomplished more than any other government or country in the entire history of the world.  
We must return back to God and our constitution or we will become subjects to the power and control of a few bureaucrats.  This next election could not be any clearer.  Power back to the people or expanding in government control of the people.  Where the elected are above the law (Hillary and company) or where we all are subject to the same laws and consequences for our actions.  November 8th will decide our fate for the next 70 plus years.  It will take that long to undo the damage of these Marxist/Socialist/Atheist politicians. 

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