Friday, August 19, 2016

Hillary, the campaign, the truth or more lies.

We are witnessing a presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton who has trouble adhering to the truth as she follows in the footsteps of our current president.  Both Hillary and President Obama lied to the American public on Fast and Furious, NSA spying on American citizens, IRS going after conservative groups and allowing the leader of the IRS conservative attacker Lois Lerner, to retire with a nice pension.  An award for preventing these conservative groups from getting their tax exemption before the 2012 election.  We have continued to see these lies with Benghazi and the best of them all, Obamacare.  We all remember that dimwit Congresswomen Nancy Pelosi telling us we must pass it to see what is in it.  We all heard President Obama sell ACA by lying to us that we will save $2500, can keep our doctor and insurance plan.  How many of us remember that.  Of course we will not mention the over $550 million dollars taken out of Medicare to help pay for Obamacare.  

Then we have to listen to how broke both Hillary and Bill were when they left the White House to their $1.3 million home in Westchester County N.Y. or he $1.5 million home in Washington D.C, in addition to the home in Arkansas.  We all wish we could be that broke.  Hillary claims to be a champion of the poor, but has no record of doing anything to improve their plight.  Maybe she should donate all the money in the Clinton Criminal Foundation to aid those living in poverty.  After all, they can earn that back by given speeches and selling influence within a years’ time.    

We also know she lied to Congress and the American people about her illegal Email server and how she just deleted those Emails that involved her daughter’s wedding and her yoga lessons.  Like she takes yoga lessons.  This from a candidate who does not have the stamina to campaign for more than a few days a week and must take a weekly few days’ hiatus.  Just think, as president, we may never see her.  Something tells me, if she wins, that may not be that bad.  But, I do not think that will happen, thank God.  It seems Trump is finally listening to the right people and is getting his act together.  Keep in mind that Hillary’s pole numbers are always below 50 %.  This from a candidate that is well known and in the public spotlight for over 30 years.  So, if Trump continues to get his act together, he will win.  Not even another meeting between Bill and Loretta Lynch could save her.  Of course, we know the DOJ is doing their best to prevent voter ID laws in this election.  After all, the socialist democrats believe in no borders and if you live in this country, you should vote for president even though the constitution says otherwise.  But, then again, when was the last time they even mentioned the constitution. 

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