Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lies, corruption and Government Tyranny

Since President Obama had taken office we have seen the beginning of government tyranny.  It first started with Operation Fast and Furious, where Eric Holder (DOJ), Hillary Clinton (Sec. of State) and our great leader lied to the American people.  Fast and Furious involved gun running into Mexico where the plan concocted by these three individuals was to show how guns purchased in the United States were involved in criminal activity and murder in Mexico and we must have restriction on the 2nd Amendment.  However, the lid came off and since this involved the DOJ, Hillary and Obama, it was buried.  

Then we had government Tyranny when the IRS was investigating and harassing conservative groups from getting tax status while liberal groups got 501-C (3) status.  Not only were conservative groups targeted, but the FBI, and other government agencies were used to harass those who donated to republicans or were political opposition leaders.  

We also must mention the NSA spying on American Citizens that this administration claimed was not spying, but the NSA listening to phone conversation on potential terrorist groups.  Of course, we now know, nearly 330 million Americans were being monitored. 
Then we had the great debacle in removing troops from Iraq which allowed ISIS to form and create the havoc around the word.  This Middle East debacle also includes the Muslim Brotherhood taking over Egypt before the Egyptian citizens woke up and overthrew this terrorist organization.  We must also mention the overthrow in Libya of Muammar Gaddafi that permitted ISIS to grow and take control.  Not to mention the great Benghazi event where four Americans were killed, others wounded and initially Hillary and Obama blamed it all on a “stupid video” that we now know was another lie. Of course Hillary is denying she ever claimed it was a video to the family members that were killed, even though we have a video recording at the plane hangar where the coffins were taken and she gave the speech about the “stupid video”.  The stupid video that up until it was mentioned, nobody ever heard about.  

This year we listened to Congressional hearings on the Hillary Emails and FBI Director Comey presenting a case for indictment and yet recommended no prosecution.  Now this took place just seven days after Bill Clinton and DOJ Loretta Lynch met on her plane in a Phoenix airport.  Naturally, they just talked about grandchildren and golf while at the same time Bill’s wife was under investigation. 

Then there is the Clinton Criminal Foundation where millions of dollars were donated to this foundation and those who donated that included countries and individuals received beneficial treatment on trade deals, and other pay for play that garnered mega money for the foundation and the Clinton pockets.  We must not forget the mega money that Bill and Hillary received for given speeches that were either followed by donations to the Clinton Criminal Foundation or donations were made before the speeches.  Naturally, we learned today that the DOJ will not investigate this corruption. It seems this would be detrimental to the democratic presidential campaign and their designated candidate Hillary. 

Also, today we learned that the reports given to the public on ISIS were lies and the strength of ISIS is larger than reported either my State Department or the White House.  Now the blame for this misinformation has come to finger pointing.  Either CENTCOM, State, or the White House. We know it will never be the White House, so take your pick. 
What we are witnessing since Obama took office on January 20th, 2009 where he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States is a continuous violation of our founding documents, and a government growing in more power over the citizens.  This is commonly called government tyranny, something we fought a Revolutionary War over and defeated the tyranny of England and King George III.

So now we have an election in November where we must choose between a socialist who believes in more government control of our lives and a Capitalist who believes in unleashing the knowledge, skills and abilities of the American worker and business.  A choice between a successful business person against at person involved in corruption, lies and deception and the strong possibility that the use of her private server will result in being blackmailed as president since even the FBI has indicated her server was hacked by foreign entities.  We know the capitalist at times makes statements that can easily be misinterpreted and pounced upon by his opponents.  However, we see the lies and corruption by Hillary go unreported by the news media since they want Hillary elected and will do anything, including not covering important news that could adversely affect Hillary’s campaign.  This goes to show how corrupt our government and news media have become over the years and can manipulate an election either through false reporting or not reporting.  

Also, today, Hillary gave us her tax plan and it is just a continuation of the failed Obama economic policies, but with additional spending, freebees that you and I will pay through higher taxes and less income.  If anyone believes Hillary is for the little guy, just look at the over $48.5 million dollars Wall Street donated to her campaign and the over $100 million she has accumulated over the past 16 years, most of which occurred while Secretary of State.

But, with all this information, voters are still supporting her for the most important and most powerful position in the world.  May God have mercy on us if she gets elected. 

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