Wednesday, August 10, 2016

More Clinton Emails

So, we are witnessing more Clinton Emails surfacing through the efforts of Judicial Watch.  However, Hillary Clinton swore under oath to a Federal Judge, Congressional hearings and the FBI that she turned over all her Emails.  We now know she lied, deceived and miss-represented the truth and such requires a person to face criminal charges for violating Federal Statutes, and lying to a judge.

We also learned, something we all knew for a few years, that she was involved in pay to play or as some have called it, quid-pro-quo.  Either way you say it, it is receiving money and then providing favors, a job or State Department approval on any deal you want to make.  Just donate millions to the Clinton Criminal Foundation and your desires will be granted.  This is criminal activity and yet, no mention in the lamestream media either printed or telecast.  So, many voters have not and will not learn how Hillary and Bill have engaged in this type of criminal activity.  We also know that if you or me engaged in such activity, we would already be in jail.  I always thought, nobody is above the law, but as we have seen the Clinton's are not and it seems her criminal activity is acceptable.  But keep in mind, her server was hacked as many have indicated, and you can take it to the bank that if she gets elected, foreign governments will be using those Emails we have not seen that Hillary claims were deleted to blackmail the President of the United States.  She is claiming these 30,000 Emails  only involved her yoga classes and her daughter's wedding.  Of course if you believe she actually is taking yoga classes you are a fool.   And, 30,000 Emails on these two subjects.  Preposterous!  But, the news media and the the socialist/Marxist Democratic Party (That is what they are) are closing their eyes and ears to this criminal activity.  If you think this is bad, just wait to what she will be doing if elected president.  And Hillary claims when she left the White House, her and Bill were "dead broke".   In the matter of a few years, they were worth over $150 million.  Most of this while she was Secretary of State.  Remember, Bill was getting a nice pension as a former president.  Besides, if they were dead broke, how could they afford a $1.7million estate in Westchester County NY, not a poor county, nor a $2 million home in Washington DC.   Does not take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

Dinesh De Souza goes to jail for giving $10,000 donation to help a friend get elected, Gen. Petraeous is prosecuted for having confidential information that he showed another and yet, Hillary walks free.

Justice for all, except if your last name is Clinton. 

Visit the following web site for more on their poor housing.

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