Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Liberals vs. Conservatives

As you listen to both the democrats and republicans debate this upcoming election, it is obvious to see the difference between a liberal and a conservative. Liberals believe that government can solve all problems by just throwing money at the issue.  Liberals have what they consider great ideas, but after implemented they realize, but will not admit, the idea will not work.  However, they will never admit their idea failed, but will claim not enough money (your tax dollars) was given and more money would be needed for success.  The stimulus bill of nearly $900 Billion is a prime example of throwing money at shovel ready projects, except after the programs failure they had to admit the projects were not shovel ready and just laughed (Obama).  This was a $900 Billion dollar laugh that they could do since the money did not come from their pockets.  But, rather than admit failure, they have continuously requested another stimulus package since the original proposal did not receive enough funding.  Of course Father Joe Biden was supposed to provide a report on this stimulus package, and we are still waiting for that report. 

President Lyndon Johnson in 1964, introduced us to his Great Society boondoggle and not only did the democrats take our social security money, but also used the budget process to continue funding these program.  After Trillions of dollars, nothing has improved for those that were earmarked for this funding, but in fact more people and families are on welfare, unemployed, uneducated and out of wedlock pregnancies increased.  The program and all its affiliated spending programs just increased our deficit, but speak to a liberals and they will claim we just did not spend enough.   
Conservatives believe that you the individual can do better if given the opportunity through education, vocational training and investing ones money wisely in given an opportunity for success since it is your money and not someone else’s.  As President Reagan once said, Government is not solution to our problem, Government is the problem.  Right now, under the Obama administration we have seen our debt rise from $10 Trillion to nearly $20 Trillion and will exceed this amount by the time his administration ends. 
This presents a problem for our country on how can we reduce our debt?  Listen to a liberal and they will say, we need to invest (spend) more while the republicans believe we must make cuts in spending and make sure the governments income exceeds spending.  One cannot spend themselves into prosperity and neither can government.   So, we must cut and the people must realize you will not get rich by spending and borrowing money.  Eventually, you will have to face reality of either cutting spending or bankruptcy.  Some of these cuts will affect Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs that liberals still believe have not caused our deficit, but spending more will reduce the deficit. Remember, it was the democrats that proposed taking our SS money from the so called lock box and replace the money with IOU's.  If someone could explain that logic to me, I would appreciate it.  Everyone must take a hit in government cuts to get us back to reducing our deficit.  All programs must be on the agenda.  In fact since we have over 635 government agencies, I believe we can cut these down to a handful.  Especially, since the states can perform these functions better and cheaper.  We can start with the EPA, Education and Bureau of Land Management.
If our constitution can be only four pages that has run our country for over 225 years, we do not need over 70,000 of IRS tax code.  As candidate Carly Fiorina indicated at the last debate, we only need 3 pages.  The present IRS tax code is made for the benefit of political cronies and our politicians add to this code every year to benefit their friends or contributors not us the voter that put them in office.

Of course we must end with the great success we are seeing with the great liberal program AKA Obamacare that is not experiencing what most people with half a brain knew would happen, too expensive, not providing the promises and still will have 30 million uninsured that this monstrosity was supposed to eliminate.  But, liberals will not accept this assessment and will demand we need more money and more government dictates to make this plan succeed.  But, we all know this program never had a chance to succeed as it was forced through without debate and under the cover of Christmas Eve, was voted on in Congress and passed by the democrats manipulating the voting process.  But, we know we can save this program by spending more money.  If you believe that, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.


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