Thursday, October 29, 2015

New Speaker of the House

Paul Ryan has been elected the new Speaker and the question is will he be his own man or just a younger clone of John Boehner.  His vote on accepting the recently passed budget deal makes one consider his sincerity in reducing our spending, reducing our $19 Trillion debt and the continuous over spending by government.  We cannot spend ourselves into prosperity and unless we get control over our reckless spending we will go the way of Greece and what we are witnessing in the Euro Zone where socialist, liberal spending and freebies are destroying the countries. 

The present budget deal just waived our budget ceiling, so our president will spend like crazy in the next 15 months and we expect our $19 Trillion deficit to rise pass $21 Trillion before his term of office ends.  This leaves the next president with choices of either continuing to spend our country into oblivion or make drastic cuts in spending.  Anyone with half a brain knows that we must cut spending and reduce our debt or we will collapse.  Sorry folks, but that means addressing the so called entitlements.  Since our government, in order to finance President Johnson’s great society program, dipped into the Social Security fund so called locked box and took OUR MONEY to use for their giveaways.  So, every year we must fund through our budget adding money to pay for SS benefits that should have come out of the locked box.  

Also, as candidate Ben Carson stated last night, we must eliminate most of the 635 plus government agencies.  We have agencies upon agencies duplicating work and duplicating work most states actually do.  We do not need the Federal government getting bigger.  We need a Federal government that is tiny and leave the states to perform their responsibilities as Article 10 in our constitution was developed by our Founding Fathers. 

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