Monday, October 26, 2015

Middle East Migrans Fleeing to Europe

If you have been following the Middle East Arabs fleeing their country and going to Europe, you will notice that many of these individuals are young males of military age.  But rather than fight for their country and freedom, they flee, or are they?  We will have to wait and see if they will take up arms against those in Europe who have opened their arms.  It will only be a matter of time before they start demanding special dietary items to meet their religious standards as well as Shariah law to punish those within their religious group who violate their Quran.  Of course, when the constitutions of these countries forbid Shariah law imposition should not matter.  They will demand this and the liberal hearts will cave.  We know they will in this country.  Especially since many of the socialist democrats in this country do not believe in our constitution, but believe in government dictating our rights and not a piece of paper that is too old and does not meet today’s climate.  We better be careful what we allow into our country.  Are they terrorist or have terrorist sympathies?  They flee their country and their laws and want the same laws in the country they flee too and not have to obey the laws of that country.  But then again, our president ignores our constitution all the time and Congress allows this. 

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