Monday, November 16, 2015

Radica Islamist Terrorist and more

Our president claims that ISIS is contained and then we see the terrorist attack in Paris.  We hear in the Saturday democratic debate that the three candidates refused to call these terrorist what they are, Radical Islamist Terrorist.  When you cannot properly identify those that want to kill you, how can you destroy your enemy?  

But we know from the Obama Administration and from the three democratic candidates that the reason we have these terrorist is because of climate change and high unemployment in the Muslim world.  In fact, only last year the spokesperson for the State Dept., Marie Harf even had the audacity to claim to stop terrorist we should get them jobs.  Our country has the lowest worker participation rate in nearly 40 years, and we are concerned about these terrorist being unemployed.  This is the thought process in the Obama administration.

The truth, jobs and climate change Bullshit is not the reason we have these terrorist.   It is the ideology of the Islam religion that requires you either convert to Islam or be killed.  We have witness this over the past few years as seen Christians beheaded, drowned, burn to death, crucified, tossed off buildings among other ways of killing those who do not believe in their religion.  Understand, we are looking at a religion that allows, rape and suppression of women, murdering their own family members also called Honor killing.  So, you can murder your son, daughter, wife if you believe they have discredit you.  This religion also believes in amputation, stoning, lashing in addition to beheading.  

The Caliphate these Radical Islamic Terrorist want to establish is to take us back to the 6th Century.  They cannot and will never accept our Bill of Rights that is in conflict with their beliefs or any other country or person that believes in these rights.  These Radical Islamic Terrorist must be destroyed, bombed into oblivion.  There safe grounds in Syria should fire bombed just like we did to Dresden in Germany in WWII.  Sorry, but that is the only way to destroy these radicals.  Of course, when we destroy ISIS, there will be another radical group to surface since it is all about their ideology and we must realize we are in a religious conflict that will last at least 100 years or until a nuclear confrontation brings it to an end.  And you want to know why Iran wants nuclear weapons?  Thomas Jefferson had it right when he stated that Islam is going to a big threat to the world after he read the Quran.

But, our Muslim sympathizer president and his administration as well as many other democrats believe it is climate change as the real threat to the world.  And we have another 14 months of this nonsense in the White House.  I hope we live to see a real change on January 20, 2017 and hope that change does not include a democrat, at least those losers presently running for president.
Isn't political correctness great.

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