Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Republican Debate and more

I believe it is time for the Republican field to be narrowed down.  This last debate on FBN shows that the field should be down to 6 candidates., 7 at the most.  It appears Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, Christie, Trump and Carson are the only ones that appear to understand the issues, although Chris Christie has seen NJ advance economically that can be a factor in his candidacy.    Rand Paul has a decent tax plan, but leans towards being an isolationist, that has contributed to the world debacle that we see today through the Obama failure to be a leader on the world stage.  Anyone who has spent any time on this planet knows that when you withdraw or run away, a vacuum is created and another country or countries will step in.  Putin is following this model and the former Soviet Union Satellite countries should be worried that this rogue of a leader will attempt to bring them back into the fold.  Putin has until a new president is sworn in to make his move, unless for some ridiculous reason, that humans would never understand, Hillary got elected in which case he has at least four years to accomplish his grand design.  But, then again it would be difficult being president and serving time in Leavenworth.  Bill would then have the Oval office all to himself. Or should we say Oral office.  Somethings will never change. 

As for a tax plan, we all know that a 73,000 page tax code is beyond comprehension for most citizens and is only that large to the benefit of congressional members for their “friends” AKA as monetary contributors.  And our constitution is only 4 pages.  We need a reduction in taxes in all areas, to coincide with drastic reduction in government spending and elimination of numerous agencies.  The military is a prime example, in addition to other government agencies, where there is numerous waste on projects.  Some of the projects even the Pentagon does not want, but our legislators want these programs because they bring jobs and money to their district and will ensure a better chance of their getting re-elected.  Of course the fact that the programs were not wanted and would only increase the budget deficit does not matter since it is their pockets that are more important over government control of spending.  Yet, come campaign time, they will argue that we have out of control government spending and we need to send him/her to congress to cut government spending.  When was the last time you actually witness government cut spending that reduced the deficit and saw the government take in more money than it spent.  Well, that was when the republicans controlled congress and Bill Clinton was president.  Both parties worked together that resulted in a reduction in our deficit to about $5 Trillion.  Under the GW Bush administration we saw that deficit rise to $10 Trillion and now under Obama, it will rise to $20 Trillion by the end of his term.  Yet we hear the democrats claim we must spend more money to get the economy moving and the republicans claiming that we must have tax cuts and a reduction in spending.  So, who is right?  Well, if you could spend yourself into prosperity, we all would borrow money up to our neck and become rich, something those of us with a brain know will never happen.  Spending cuts and tax cuts would benefit the economy as long as we actually see both.  However, talk is cheap and we know congress loves spending money since it keeps them in office.  It is the old story, while looking at one hand, what is the other hand doing.  Just like Obama when he speaks on an issue, he says one thing but generally does the opposite.  But in both cases, sounds good at the time, especially since many voters do not think for themselves and wait for their favorite to tell them what is happening.   

The so called penny tax plan that Rand Paul mentioned is a good start. This would cut one penny from every dollar authorized in a budget.  I would prefer two cents for every dollar spent as we need to reduce our deficit quicker or we may see economic disaster.  It is coming since we cannot continue down this road of increasing our budget year after year and no “real” budget cuts.  If we can do without, government cat too.  One talking points both members of congress like to employ is claiming all the cuts they made in the budget, but in reality is just cutting the previously authorized budget increases that each agency has built in to their budget.  Example: An agency may have a 10% increase coming, but congress reduces it to 7% and then claim all the cuts they made.  If you do not understand this, you think they are living up to their promise. You want actual cuts, agencies eliminated, a reduction in government employment and the reality that whether you like it or not, this must be done.  

Also, in case you do not know this, Social Security is actually a Ponzi scheme that requires many more people working and paying into SS so the retirees and those close to retirement can obtain their benefits.  Now, with a low worker participation rate, we are witnessing not enough money going into SS and eventually, SS will go Kaput.  With people living longer we may have to raise the retirement age for full benefits to closer to 70 years and have the SS money returned to the lock box and encourage the use of other forms of retirement funds for younger workers.   

With nearly 50% of the country on government assistance, we have a problem.  We cannot continue with half the country supporting the other half.  With the worker participation rate the lowest is over 38 years that very few mention, but point to an unemployment rate of 5% when many claim it is actually closer to 10%, since some are not looking for jobs or have taken part-time jobs just to have some income.  Of course we cannot talk about this since it would show the real unemployment rate.   

We need a new president that talks about budget cuts, government spending cuts and a reduction in government regulations that are strangling business both big and small from expanding, increasing employment or even staying in business.   

So, for this next presidential election, you need to do research on what is good for country, will save the country from oblivion and not what is good for the individual.  This begins with who has the best plan that reduces waste, government spending, and reduces our deficit from $20 Trillion quickly, and not a ten year plan.  By the way, central planning has never worked and we have all the communist, socialist and Marxist countries that have set the example on this.  Again as Regan said, Government is the problem, not the solution. 


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