Wednesday, November 18, 2015

President Obama-Anti Christian?

Previously, President Obama discussed Islamist terrorist by comparing them to the Crusades and the Inquisition.  This is why he is pushing for only Islamist Muslims and not Muslims Christians to enter our country.  Remember the family in Kentucky from Germany that fled Germany for religious freedom so they could home school their children and how the Obama administration through the Justice Dept. attempted to have them deported back to Germany.  This episode and Obama’s administration’s present actions leave the impression that he is pro-Muslim and anti-Christian.

His perception of the United States is our country is responsible for all the ills in the world and our founders were white rich Christians and throughout our history Christians and Jews have pushed the United States to create the world’s present dilemma. He is anti-American and a review of his life and associates will show this to be true.  But, we cannot say that since we would be considered racist against blacks and Islamist. His fallback position.   

Then again, isn’t it amazing how vocal he is against those who disagree with him within our country and yet hour wimpy he is on the international stage.  Until he is challenged by the mainstream media, this will remain. 

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