Saturday, February 8, 2014

Is our Constitution still Valid?

It seems we have an administration in Washington DC that does not believe that the our constitution, that they to an oath to protect, follow and defend, has any meaning to what their they wish to accomplish.  This is right out of Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals, "the end justifies the means".  That is, do whatever you have to in order to accomplish the end result you want.  In this case, the Obama administration and their Marxist ideology, yes Marxist, is using the DOJ, IRS, EPA, NSA, OSHA and any other agency in order to go after their political opposition.  Something we always saw in countries run by dictators as well as Marxist, communism and socialist countries.   

When Pres. Obama mentioned bypassing Congress in his State of the Union address, even members of his own party gave him a standing ovation.  So therefore, is this the end of our Republic as this administration slowly takes control of all areas of government and force their ideology upon an entire nation?  Unless the clueless voters awaken and realize how their freedoms guaranteed under our constitution are slowly being removed, they will never get the opportunity to speak out.  Speak up or be forced into silence.   

Of course, except for a few republicans in the House and Senate, the rest of the establishment politicians are just as clueless and their only desire is to get elected to maintain their power and the public be dammed.  Unfortunately, we elected these dimwits and are now suffering the end result.  The 2014 election will either be the beginning of a resurgence of our Republic or we will witness our demise. 

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