Thursday, February 27, 2014

If you do not know history…………….

So Connecticut is now requiring people to register their guns and those that have not are receiving letters telling them they are in violation of Connecticut law.  Of course the 2nd Amendment has no meaning to Democrats and the liberal socialist that are doing this in this state as well as other states.  The Obama administration would love to enact gun registration nationwide.  That is why under Obamacare they want doctors to ask if you have a gun at home because if the Obama government looks at your medical records they will decide if you are medical fit to own a gun.  Another way around the 2nd Amendment to disarm the citizens.  And don't think for one minute that this is not their agenda.  Hitler did this in Germany under the pretense that this way they can protect the citizens right to own a firearm.  However, once they had the registration list, they began to take guns away from the Jews and then the rest of the citizens.  Remember what Thomas Jefferson said.  A government that fears the people has democracy and a people that fear the government is tyranny.  You decide where we are heading.  President Obama has said back around 2006 that the Bill of Rights are negative rights so they are not given by government, but as our Founders believed they are God given rights.  He believes government should give these rights and we all know, what government gives, government can take and do think for one minute that Obama and the DOJ would not go after your weapons in a heartbeat.  Government has less to fear from a disarmed citizenry.   

Also, if one remembers about a year ago the Obama administration attempted to control all communications by performing a test to shut down communication as part of a better way to communicate with the citizens in the event of an emergency.  Now this all stemmed from what the Obama administration witnessed in Egypt where social media, and other forms of internet communication were used to alert the population what was happening and where to go to participate in the movement.  This avoided the propaganda that the government was issuing through the news media.  So, when the public awakens to the abuse of our constitution by government, especially by the Obama administration, and then this administration will have the ability to shut down all communication and leave the public in the dark on what is happening, except what they tell you.   

If you think this is off the wall thinking, then just look as how the present news media are spinning the Obama talking points today.  The news media was suppose to be a protector of our constitution by reporting on the abuse by our elected officials.  If they actually did their job honestly, Eric Holder would be in jail, Lois Lerner would be in jail and President Obama would be impeached as well as other members of this administration.   

Everything this administration does is right out of the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals.  Set your goal and you get there by any means possible.  Obama's goal is to transform this country from a Republic form of government to a government controlled country where he and his followers will tell us what we can and cannot do.  That is why they are and have been attacking any and all members of their opposition in personal attacks or phony investigations.  This administration is slowly tightening the net and unless everyone speaks out, you will find yourself silenced forever.  Unless of course everything you say is supportive of this administration.  Your choice.  Do your own research and take time out to actually think on what has been happening over the last 5 year and draw your own conclusions.    

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