Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Have you ever notice.........................

Have you ever notice how liberals, progressives, socialist and such ilk cannot defend their position on issues when someone else speaks out against their point of view.  Today it is Charles Krauthammer, yesterday it was Sarah Palin, Romney, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Glenn Beck, Tea Party and any other person, company, organization or group that disagrees with them.  Today, global warming or climate change, if you believe in that crap, yesterday, President Obama and his administration and the positions they take.  These people attack and viciously attack their opposition personally and not what their opposition says.  Defending their lies is not possible.  Just like the lies President Obama used in supporting Obamacare, where the president was taking to defend his statements, but these so called far left leaning liberals called those people racist.  In fact everyone who disagrees with this president is called a racist unless of course you are black, then you are called an Uncle Tom or a puppet for the opposition.  They cannot defend the indefensible but they will try to silence the opposition by using the DOJ, IRS, EPA and other agencies.  How dare we accuse them of misleading the public with their lies.    

As Joseph Goebbels, the minister of Nazi propaganda said, "If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it".  Think about that and what this administration has been doing and saying.  Of course we all know it is easy to convince 50% of the dumb, uninformed, low information voters of anything.  Just watching video reports of voters being asked questions proves that.    However, those who are educated will be silent no more.  If we do not speak out, then enjoy the transformation of our country from a Republic form of government to a socialist, Marxist form of government where government dictates what we can and cannot not do.   

If you want to know what that is like just look around at the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cuba and Venezuela today plus what the people in the Ukraine are fighting against.  Government does not and can not create jobs or run businesses or industry.  That is what We The People do.  If you have no idea what living under socialism, Marxism or communism and how great they are in running a business, then you should find and read the Gulag Archipelago , by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn written in 1974. But, we know the academics in this administration believe they can do it better and Lenin, Stalin, Khruschev, Mao, Castro and Hugo Chavez did not do it right and they know better.  Just trust us.

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