Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Debt ceiling going up

So Speaker of the House John Boehner stated today that he will push to pass a clean debt ceiling bill that means our budget deficit will increase almost another Trillion dollars.  This is so easy to do when the government is spending our money.  Remember, it is our tax dollars they are spending not their own money.  It is easy to spend when the money does not come out of your pocket.  So, President Obama will get another blank check to continue his reckless spending.  Rep. Boehner only goes to show he is more interested in the 2014 election than the road to bankruptcy that this country is heading down.  As I have said repeatedly, it is not about the people, our constitution or our country, but is about getting yourself elected and as many other members of your party.  But most importantly, getting yourself elected.   The pubic be dammed, I will get mine and go screw yourself.   This applies to both parties.  Their interest is not what is good for the country, but what is good for them.  Remember that next election.  That is why you must support candidates that are not hand picked by the establishment from both parties, but a candidate that believes in our constitution as written not as some progressives like to think it is written. 

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