Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Climate Change compared to Terrorism?

So Secretary of State John Kerry compares so called climate change, global warming or whatever they wish to call it, to terrorism.  I would rather believe John Kerry and the idiots he works with in the Obama administration are terrorist when they continue to push climate change.  It use to be global warming, but when they found that did not work, they chose climate changes since weather can change every day as those of us with 1/2 a brain know.  But when you can get snow one day, rain the next, ice storms after that and then a sudden temperature increase to 40 degrees shows to them that there is climate change.  Of course most of know this is normal, unless you lived most of your life in a cave or on another planet.  However, when your knowledge of the world come out of books and lectures for radical professors and not from actual life experiences, you can expect such stupidity.   

So the president travels to California to push his climate change agenda and blaming the drought conditions on climate change, when again most people know the water shortage for the farmers is brought about by federal legislation, specifically from the EPA where because of a small fish known as the delta smelt may be endangered, the EPA restricted flow of water to farmers.  Yet the president gives his speech and then goes out and plays golf on courses that use water to keep them green.  Golf courses yes, farmers no.  Hypocrisy, you decide.

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