Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Is 2014 our last election as we know them?

We have now seen the far left website Salon publish their reasons why communism is the way to go.  Now anyone with half a brain knows that communism, Marxism and socialism have all been failures throughout history wherever they have been tried.  But, we also know in our universities they teach that capitalism does not work and communism is the way and that all previous attempts at the form of government control failed because those people pushing this did it wrong and they have a better idea.   

That is why President Obama pushed to fundamentally transform our country and for those who are still dumb, this is what he was talking about.  That is why he continues to push the envelope on how far he can go on executive orders.  Now we know when he spoke about his pen at his State of the Union speech last week, he got a standing ovation from the democrats that should have scared anyone who still believes in our constitution.   

Our Founding Fathers knew it would be a difficult path to maintain the constitution they adopted and that is why they gave us three equal branches of government and the ability to amend the constitution to correct problems that may develop.  However, or unfortunately, one of the amendments that were manipulated into getting approval was the 17th amendment that gave direct election of Senators over being appointed by the state legislators.  This in essence removed control of Congress from the states to Washington DC.  Something to think about.  Now, outside groups through large sum of money can influence the election of Congressional Senators over the people of that state who elect their state representatives that formally had that control.  This caused the states to lose control over the federal government and the beginning of the end of our constitution.  Unless of course, we support a constitutional convention of states to begin taking our country back by passing amendments that force a balance budget, repeal the 17 amendment and impose term limits.  Something we know our congressional representatives will never approve.  But fortunately, our Founding Fathers knew better and constitutional amendments can only be approved by the states.  We need 34 states to call for a convention and 38 states to approve an amendment.  Congress and the executive branch cannot stop or override the states on amendments.   

So, why this administration uses the DOJ, IRS, EPA and other agencies to intimidate and threaten their opposition, it is We The People that must put an end to this dictatorship where government agencies are being used like history has shown us in the former Soviet Union, Cuba, Iron Curtain countries, Venezuela and lest we forget what Hitler ,Stalin and Mao did to their countries.   

So now is the time for We The People to either speak out or suffer what these people in government on both parties want us to be.  The coming of SERFDOM.  The choice is yours.  Do you want government to control your life or you to control your life decisions.  If unsure, history will give you the answer or you can remain dumb and clueless.  But if you do, one day you are going to wake up and realize the big mistake you made.   Then it will be too late, at least for approximately 75 years which is usually the length of time that these form of governments control their people. 

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