Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Are we a systemic racist country?

 Rather than listen to the false rhetoric by our socialist politicians and the radicals burning some cities to the ground, we must look at the facts. 

Yes, we know that at one time we had black slaves in our country and although our Founding Fathers wanted to include an end to slavery in our constitution, they were aware they would not have had the approval of the necessary colonies to approve passage of the constitution.  Even though when Thomas Jefferson was president and made the Louisiana Purchase he included that these new territories would be slave free, slavery still existed in some of the states.  Slavery had become such a divisive issue over the years that eventually led to this war between the north and the south.  During this trying time, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that freed all slaves from their bondage.  At the end of the civil war, the hatred the south had against the north was only intensified as a result of the carpetbaggers from the north coming into the south. 

In 1870 however, the first blacks were elected to the congressional house in the south and one to the senate.  These were self-educated blacks and the senate seat was once held by Jefferson Davis.  To counteract this increase in blacks rising the economic scale, the Democratic Party developed their enforcement arm to limit black entering into society as well as using threats, assaults and killings to get their message across.  This enforcement arm was known as the KKK (Klu Klux Klan) that was still in existence until the 1960’s and may still be a secret organization today.  This was a democratic domestic terrorist group that promoted violence against not only blacks, but those whites that may have helped blacks move up the ladder  economically, as well as members of certain religious organizations.  The KKK was a pure hate group.  But this was a wing of the Democratic Party not the Republican Party as some of the socialist democrats would like you to believe.  

So today, we hear from Black Lives Matter that we are a country overflowing with systemic racist.  This from an organization that are trained Marxist whose only desire is to overthrow our country and install a socialist/Marist form of government.  We know how that has worked in Cuba and Venezuela today.  So the question is, are we really a systemic racist as some have been screaming over the phony news media?

The facts as we have just read seem to indicate we have been destroying racism and prejudice where it can be found.  At one time we had a segregated military that was becoming integrated until Woodrow Wilson was elected president.  He was anti-black, a democrat and stopped military integration.  It was not until near the end of President Truman’s term, a democrat, and continued by President Eisenhower, that full integration of the military was done.  We had segregation in sports that was broken when Jackie Robinson became the first black to play baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 at the encouragement of Brand Rickey the Dodger executive and a white person.  Rickey was also instrumental in drafting the first Hispanic ballplayer, Roberto Clemente.  

Today, we have seen black governors, mayors, other local officials as well as members of Congress.  We also have elected the first black president in Barack Obama.  Since blacks only comprise less than 20% of the population, Obama would not have been elected without white voters.   We have black history month (February), black colleges, congressional black caucuses as well as Hispanic caucuses and many Hispanics elected to similar positions.  We know if we were to substitute  the word white for in place of black or Hispanic, we would see tremendous outrage from the black and Hispanic communities, but we do not see outrage from whites in this country over these groups.  That alone would prove we are not a racist country and neither is President Trump.  But when the radical left cannot defend their argument, they always turn to calling their opposition a racist.  A term they have used many times when their position on an issue cannot be defended as we see today from our elected officials and the phony news media. 

President Trump has been a business person for over 50 years and never has he been called a racist, but once elected president that is all the socialist democrats and their supporters can say since they cannot argue the issues.   But, since the election of Trump, we have seen from members of Congress and the phony news media nothing but hate rhetoric as candidate Trump said he would expose the swamp in Washington and we now see the swamp in action.  They are losing control of the government and will pull out all stops in their arsenal using their communication arm, the hate filled news media to spew their hateful rhetoric with lies and misinformation.  We see today the violence and riots in democratic controlled cities and the leaders in these cities and states have basically ignored the violence and just claim these are peaceful demonstrations.  Even though we see video of the riots, the news media claims the demonstrations are peaceful except for some minor disturbances.  The truth is out there and we see it with our own eyes, but the dems and their media supporters deny what we see. 

It seems whenever a black person is shot by law enforcement, this is the signal to start a riot, loot, and burn and assault police and at times shoot police officers.  Whether the shooting is justified or not, an investigation will determine the facts, but these radicals will not wait for the investigation to be concluded.  A black person was shot and that appears to be the signal to riot. It is interesting to see that many of these demonstrators are not black but white.  This does enforce the theory on the hate and misinformation of American history that is being taught in our schools or should I dare say, is not being taught.  We are seeing the result of this school agenda in our streets today.  When you brainwash students into false and misleading history of our country continually throughout their years in school, we are seeing the results first hand.  Nikita Khrushchev, the Russian Communist leader, said in 1956, “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within”.  Well, the question we must ask ourselves is what we are seeing today in our classrooms coming to fruition?

As a country we have been and still are the beacon on the hill where millions of people wish to come for the many freedoms we enjoy and the opportunity to succeed that is not possible in their country of birth.  But, if we turn off that beacon as we see the socialist democrats want to do with their 110 page platform, we will see not only this country but the world fall into chaos and war the likes of which this world has never seen.  We are the force that stands in the way of this chaos and if our light burns out, the world will go on fire.  Something to think about this election.   Either we continue to expose and drain the swamp or we get swallowed up by the swamp and life as we know it in this country will never be the same.  Power will be in the hands of these swamp creatures.  We will lose our freedom and we all will lose our country. 

The below video explains what we are seeing today with our elected officials and cable news media.  The search will indicate in its heading, “This is the most important video”, etc to make sure you click on the correct video.  Runs 4:49 minutes.  Worth watching.  Covers right up to what happen over this past weekend.  Hopefully you can view it.



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