Sunday, September 20, 2020

Will Nov 3, 2020 be our last free election?

When we examine the Socialist Democratic Party manifesto for what they plan to implement if they win the White House, you scratch your head and wonder who in their right mind would vote for candidates that intend to destroy our government.  These socialist, are using their puppet Joe Biden, who is clueless to what will happen if he wins the election.  They want to destroy our constitution from day one.  They intend to eliminate ICE and DHS, open our borders, eliminate the 2nd Amendment, and nominate Supreme Court Judges who are radical and to further cement their hold on government and will attempt to increase the number of judges to approximately 15, assuring that they will have full control of court decisions for many years. 

To control the people, the first thing a government does is to take away guns from the citizens.  History of communism, socialism and Marxism has shown this is the first thing that is done to take control.  Hitler did this to the German people in the 1930’s.  King George III attempted to do this to the colonies to prevent a revolt of the colonist against his tyranny.  We know the end result of this King’s attempting to thwart and suppress the people.  To control the people, control the press, confiscate weapons and change laws to make it easier to imprison the people who disagree with government.

 We see today where the news media has become an extension of the socialist party by either fabricating news against President Trump or just lying to the American people.  We know Joseph Goebbels, head of the Nazi propaganda said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”.  Now, if you stop and watch and listen to what is happening in this country today, you see what Goebbels said is happening today. 

The Socialist Democratic Party, under the leadership of the far left radicals are doing just that.  In fact we may have to call this party the communist party since what they are proposing is really a communist manifesto.  Destroy the opposition and their followers thru lies, threats, intimidation and if that fails, physical violence.  Whether or not if you like President Trump or his followers, you will not find any of his followers rioting, burning down business, assaulting police officers, that the socialist/Marxist have been doing from Oregon on the west to NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other states where the so called democrats are in control.  Hitler used the brown shirts to destroy his opposition that began against the Jews and then to the German people themselves since the people thought it was only going to be the Jews being persecuted.  The socialist democrats are using Antifa and BLM to do the same.  These government leaders believe if they allow these radicals to continue to riot and destroy, this will be vulnerable to President Trump. As it turns out, this has not been the case.  Many voters believe, even those that remain silent to posters etc. that using violence and threats will not get them to vote for Biden/Harris or what we now learn is being called the Harris/Biden ticket.  Believe me that was not mistake but a precursor to what these radicals are hoping for.  Biden as a figurehead and Harris and their handlers pulling the strings.   Harris is really clueless on being president and will not be making the decisions.  But the swamp hopes to make a comeback and get back in charge.  If we do not wake up, we will lose our country and it may be a 100 years before we have another 1776.  We cannot let that happen and we must destroy these radicals by crushing all their candidates for both the presidency and congress.  Our freedom is only one election away from being lost.  The choice is yours and it is this election


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