Saturday, August 5, 2017

Trump’s campaign Promises

During the campaign and afterwards, President Trump was promising to repeal and replace Obamacare, lower taxes and drain the swamp.  Now we are seeing how hard it is going to be to drain the swamp as the swamp is another name for Congress.  So Congress, rather than actually do their job and help this country and the voters, are more interested in protecting their jobs and butt.  

Unless and until the next election and we can vote out of office those who call themselves republicans and the democrats who have vowed to fight and resist any legislation President Trump proposes, Congress will accomplish nothing of great importance, which  of course is find by them.  They will just blame each other for nothing accomplished.  The usual game they have been playing for years. 
In case you have forgotten when Obamacare was passed, the debate over Obamacare has brought to the surface the subsidies members of Congress and their staff are getting for their insurance premiums to the tune of $12,000.  How many of you people would love to have a stipend of that about to meet your insurance premium expenses.  Congress always makes sure the legislation they pass will not include them, unless of course they can benefit financially which they did under Obamacare.  And you are wondering why they are hesitant to do a complete repeal.  It would cost them and their staff $12,000. No way Jose’.

So, it is becoming apparently clear that both parties are going to resist President Obama and his agenda that his voters and supporters voted for this pass election.  However, by this time next year, you will hear from the republicans how they are trying to do the right thing but are getting no cooperation from the democrats.  And the democrats will be using the same rhetoric.  The blame game and nothing gets done which is actually what both parties want to accomplish.  

We are stuck with republicans that cannot make decisions and democrats who are more interested in pushing their socialism or Marxism ideology agenda that is contrary to our constitution and way of life, but gets government to make all our decisions. 

Be alert come the election in November 2018 and vote all these jerks out of office and give Trump members of Congress that actually want to Make America Great Again and not the congressional members’ pockets. 

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