Thursday, August 17, 2017

Is Trump a racist?

We must examine the Trump history.  Here is a person that has been in business as a builder all over the world and we have never heard a peep about Trump being a racist.

Here is a person that ran for the presidential nomination against 16 other republicans and beat them all and achieved the republican nomination and no report of Trump being a racist ever raised its ugly head. 

Here is a person that that ran against Hillary Clinton and her criminal cohorts and no information on Trump showing any signs of being a racist was raised or discussed.  We must remember in the 2012 presidential campaign, there was an issue raised against Romney that he and a few other fellow high school students shaved the head of a fellow student.  So, if the democrats could raise such an insignificant issue about Romney, you can rest assured if there was any hint of Trump being a racist or making racist comments it would have come out. 

So, we know in listening to the responses of Trump on Saturday and Monday that he made it clear these horrific violent demonstration will not and should not be tolerated.  On Wednesday, he again had to respond to reporters’ question that were asked in an attempt to show Trump was in league with these white supremacist and Neo-Nazis.  Groups that he had in the past in interviews he was against and there are videos of his distaste for these groups going back to 2000. 

We might also, Hillary Clinton, when running for the Senate in NY received political donations from the then citizen Donald Trump.  Would Hillary actually accept donations from someone who is a supporter of these radical groups?  Of course, she was a supporter of Senator Robert Byrd, a former Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of the KKK, but Hillary had nothing but praise for Sen. Byrd.  Do the left fake news media ever report this?  If you have not heard it now, that is the answer.

Where are all these outsiders coming from to create havoc at these demonstrations from Berkley and Charlottesville, VA.?   I urge you to check out George Soros and his Open Society Foundation and former Pres. Obama’s Organization for Action that he established before leaving office.  An organization of approximately 30,000 members trained to disrupt.  Just saying.

As Fox News like to claim, I report, you decide.

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