Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Conspiracy to overthrow our duly elected government

There are many questions surrounding the violence that occurred in Charlottesville on Saturday and none of those questions involve President Trump.

If you watch the video you have to wonder why the police where not actively involved in preventing the violence.  Law enforcement had days to review their plans, have undercover officers infiltrate these groups to get law enforcement better prepared to respond to conditions as they develop.  However, for some reason that has not been explained.   The police stood down and allowed the opposing groups to engage in violence.  Rest assured, both groups actively participated in this violence and it was not one sided.  Both groups came prepared for violent action.  But, the fake news media does not report this, and instead accuses Pres. Trump for instigating the violence, even though the president never even commented on the upcoming demonstration in Charlottesville.  

On one side we had the skin heads (Nazis followers, so called white supremacist and other fringe groups).  On the other side we had the left radical anarchist whose actions we have witnessed in Berkley Ca. and across the country and college campuses.  They bring with them violence that is the only way they can get their point across.  Just like Hitler did with his brown shirts in the 1930’s.  Today, they wear black hoods and face masks.  A different look, but they carry the same violence.  Racism and hate in any form or on either side should be rejected. Pres. Trump was correct in that both sides actively participated in this violence and the videos show it.

Both sides are fringe groups that prefer using violence to get their message out that is contrary to our Bill of Rights and constitution.  Both sides do not believe in the 1st Amendment, unless they get to decide what speech is acceptable to their ideology.
Now, who is or who are involved in supporting these anarchist that were involved in this violence and wear the black hoods.  It is led by George Soros with support from former President Obama and his minions.  How can I say that?  Simply because under the Obama administration money was funneled to George Soros and his radical group Open Society Foundation through the U.S. Agency for International Development. (USAID).  A law suit has been filet in the District of Columbia since USAID and State Department failed to respond to a FOIA request.  What this law suit is actually claiming is that our tax dollars were being funneled to George Soros radical groups to cause disruption in our country as he has done around the world.  

One has to wonder with Trump as president, why the FBI and the DOJ have not voluntarily sought these records be made public?  

But as we have seen since the election of Trump, the democrats and their radical assorted group of anarchist are actively engaged to have Trump removed from office.
It was not the republicans that supported slavery, blocked all attempts for segregation, founded the KKK and other hate groups in the 1800’s, fought to keep slavery (Civil War) and actively engaged in preventing any legislation that would support blacks.  The democrats attempted to block the 13th and 14th Amendment and did their best to prevent Congress from passing legislation in support of blacks.  All this was the democrats suppressing the blacks’ right to vote and demanded segregation of the military (Pres. Wilson, a democrat and a big anti-black hater).  But does the news media discuss this.  Absolutely not.  It was the democrats dressed in white hoods that hung blacks and any white that supported blacks or were registered republicans.  

With all this being said, during this past weekend, 33 people were shot and 9 were killed in Chicago. You did not see the news media mention this.  Especially, since those shot and killed were black.  Besides, this is Chicago, run by democrats for over 100 years and this is exactly what the democrats give you when in control.  High crime, violence in neighborhoods, but the neighborhoods are predominantly black.  Another way of population control.

So, after all is said and done, we are witnessing the democrats and their ilk doing their best to undo a certified presidential election.  The election was 9 months ago and they still cannot accept the fact that the voters rejected Hillary Clinton.  How dare the voters do that.  Therefore, they started their movement to engage in false accusations of Russian interference in our election, even to go so far to push a false and fake dossier on Trump.  But, with a special prosecutor, they are doing their best using the fake news media to develop stories that they can push upon the public as true.  But we must be alert since desperate people will do desperate things.  What took place in Berkley and Charlottesville is just beginning.  

My last question or observation is if we are about to see the monuments of confederate statutes removed, will they also change the names of buildings that have the name of democrats that were very active in the KKK.  We hear these radicals would like to remove the Jefferson monument, change the name of Washington D.C. and even the state of Washington.  History is history, whether you agree or disagree, history cannot be changed.  It is what it is.  Our country has provided more freedom to its citizens than any other country in history of the world.  A well-documented fact.  Of course, the fake news media will not mention something that would put a dent in their lies. What is next, removing all crosses since it depicts another person being crucified by a group of haters that did not like what this person was preaching and these haters found it offensive?

I will end my article by saying history has shown that God has place human beings in charge that were not perfect in their lives.  St. Peter as the first leader of his church, St. Paul that became a follower after his other life in slaughtering Christians, King David, picked by God to lead the Jews but engaged in a relationship with Bathsheba and had her husband sent to the front lines in a battle and was killed.   I am of the belief that Trump was selected to lead our country out of our problems that have accumulated over the past 25 years or more.  History has shown in WWII when some battles were not going well, an event changed from what appeared to be a disaster, became a victory.  Recall, that during the Revolutionary War in the battle of Brooklyn Heights, General Washington found his troops close to being surrounded and there was only one way to evacuate from Brooklyn to New York (Now known as Manhattan).  This was a dangerous move as Washington knew as he attempted to flee and retreat, the British troops would inflict tremendous causalities or even worst the army would collapse and the war over.  But, miraculously, a fog came over the evacuation route and lasted until all his troops were evacuated to New York allowing the troops and General Washington to fight another day.  And as they say, the rest is history.  

Am I correct in my belief, only history will tell.  We are either going to surrender to these radicals that believe in Socialism, Marxism or Progressives (just another name for communism) or are we going to stand up and fight back and voice our opposition to this violence that as I have indicated is caused by the democrats supporting such actions or funding by the George Soros groups.   We are at the crossroads of freedom or slavery to the dictates of government that these radicals are striving to achieve.   We can either live free or die.  People of the world that had no freedom and now enjoy it, know all too well what a loss of freedom could mean.  Just witness what is happening in Venezuela today.  Freedom loss and government enslaving the people. 

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