Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Our country’s undeclared war and conspiracy to overthrow our country.

Whether you realize this or not, our country is engaged in a war between good and evil that is taking place right here in the United States.  

Since the election of Trump, we have become witnesses to the hatred that has festered in this country for years and begin to surface only with the election of former President Obama.  This is what Obama promised.  The Fundamental Transformation of our country.  The election loss of Hillary Clinton has put a dent in his plans and his comrades to subvert our constitution and covertly overthrow our government.  We are witnessing since the election of Trump, these plans moving into overdrive as these radical groups composed of progressives, socialist, fascist and Marxist conspire together to intimate, threaten and the use of violence against people, places and organizations.  This is history repeating itself as we saw this in Germany in the 1930’s and Russia in 1917.  

Today it is the removal of statutes, tomorrow the names of historical figures and the coup de grace will be the burning of books on the history and founding of our country.  This is all in the attempt to dumb down our citizens in order to make this change.  We have heard and seen the incompetence of our young adults and present students on the history of our country since this is not being taught.  Knowledge brings wisdom and understanding only if you have the opportunity to avail yourself of our history and the history of the world.  However, as we have learned and are learning the clueless are becoming pawns by selected groups that are indoctrinating and manipulating many of these present day radicals on misleading and false information against our country, law enforcement, military and government.

The question remains, where are these radical leaders getting their funding to engage in these violent tactics?  As I have stated numerous times, from the George Soros Open Society Foundation and his other radical groups in addition to the Obama group, Organizing for Action. 

The DOJ and the FBI must and hopefully are conducting a full investigation into the funding of these radical groups.  These are not spontaneous demonstrations, but organized to create havoc at events that threatened their existence.  Many of these radicals are being bused into these communities for these demonstrations and many of them are being paid.  In fact it has been reported that at the Charlottesville violence that these radicals engaged in, many came off of buses and surprise, the wore shirts and carried signs that were opposed to each other.  In other words, they were organized and paid to demonstrate against each other for the purpose of creating violence.  Afterwards, they would get together and board the same buses for preparation for the next action.  

These are tactics right out of Hitler’s movement.  Create havoc and violence.  Now, how many democrats have you heard come out against these violent demonstrators? Not too many since they appear to approve of these demonstrators since it actually is in line with their move to resist and fight against Trump.  The democrats will use whatever means available to achieve their objective.  All the democrats and their radical followers say, together with the fake news media, is these demonstrations are all Trump’s fault.  President Trump does not have do anything and he will get blame from the media.  

Again, what we are seeing and hearing from the fake news media is them being complicit in the violence taking place, the destruction of private and government property and blaming the racist republicans led by President Trump.
We know Trump was a successful builder, but he did not build all these statutes and monuments to the confederacy, but this was initiated by and funded by the democrats and their democratic controlled state governments and legislatures many years ago.  But the fake news media and many democratic leaders are attempting to alter history by placing the blame for all that has happen over the past two weeks on President Trump and the republicans.  But, the Trump supporters and voters are not fooled by this false rhetoric and I believe the democrats will pay a high price at the elections next year.  

The democrats have refused to actively participate in their duly elected duty in Congress and are attempting to undermine the operation of the government in the hope it will collapse.  Of course, this will not happen as the voters are much smarter than the democrats and their radical followers believe and a surprise is waiting next year.  But, I might add, there are a number of members of congress that call themselves republicans that will be gone next year either being replaced by an actual real republican, conservative or libertarian.  

Our history shows the trials and tribulations of our country as we overcame the ugliness of slavery, the KKK, a civil war and other so-called supremacy groups over the years and have become the shining light on the hill that other countries can look up too. We are not perfect, but we are the best there was and will be and with God’s guidance, we will overcome what the democrats and their radical followers are engaged in.  

By the way, God is another issue these radical groups want removed from our lives, institutions and schools.  With God, all things are possible, without God, Satan will fill the void in a heartbeat. 

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