Monday, August 28, 2017

Berkley Ca. violence Saturday

Again, we witness the so-called peace loving left engage in their violent and threatening behavior Saturday in Berkley where they engaged in attacks on Trump supporters and police officers.  

What is interesting, their actions are supported by the democrats and the fake news media.  I can say that because you can research all you want and you will not find these two groups speaking out against this violence.  In fact they are condoning the violence and blaming republicans, conservatives and other Trump supporters by calling them white supremacists, homophobic, Islamophobic, fascist and any other names they can throw out there for public consumption.

However, in reality the Democratic Party has been taken over by the radical left that includes, socialist, Marxist and communist that are attempting to convince the public that our constitution is dead and only through socialism and Marxism can we grow as a country.  What they do not tell you is that our form of government called a Democratic Republic, is the first form of this government on this planet and has survived all threats to defeat us and this movement will also fail.  What these radical democrats are pushing has failed in the former Soviet Union, North Korea, Cuba and present day Venezuela.  China is another form of communism that will eventually collapse as government control of any economy has always failed.  

The form of government these radical democrats are demanding can be seen through how they engage in their violent behavior.  Free speech is only free if it is the speech they want to hear.   So, if you are believing their false rhetoric then either you are oblivious to what socialism, communism, Marxism and fascist stands for and you are obviously oblivious to history that is exactly the left has planned for over 50 years by debunking our history or not teaching it at all.  

But, unless you just arrived from another planet you have better get your act together and realize that your freedoms under our constitution are in jeopardy wherever these radical democrats just happen to be.  

This is another reason this this terrorist group known as Antifa must be classified as terrorist organization.  They cannot be allowed to continue with their violent threats against innocent people.  This is the brown shirts of 1930’s Germany except they are not dressed in black with mask. If they are allowed to continue this violent threat to those who disagree with them, they will run into a violent response eventually.  Maybe, they should try their tactics at a NRA convention.   

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