Monday, May 9, 2016

White House Lies

Ben Rhodes, the assistant security advisor to the Obama Administration, now comes out and states that this administration lied to the American people and the news media about the Iranian nuke deal.  But, why are we not surprised by this?  From the beginning of the Obama Administration, we have seen one lie after another.  First we had Operation Fast and Furious, followed by NSA spying on Americans, the IRS scandal where political opposition received extra scrutiny and delays or denied 501 (C 4) status, but was given to those loyal to this administration.  This was followed up with the Benghazi debacle where we were told a film nobody knew about was the cause when it was known from the beginning it was terrorism.  Of course, we listened to everyone touting the greatness of Obamacare that we learned from one of the main architects, that the American people were lied to about Obamacare in order to get it passed.  Then, we have to add some of those in this administration that were part of these lies.  John Kerry, Valerie Jarrett, Josh Earnest, President Obama and Hillary Clinton.  There are more members involved, but they would be too numerous to mention in this format.  We also know, the next time Hillary Clinton tells the truth will be a first.  To end, I must alter a quote from the movie Casablanca, “I am shocked, shocked, that there was lying going on in this White House”.

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