Friday, May 27, 2016

Venezuela collapse

We are witnessing the collapse of what once was a rich country that through its oil revenues was able to provide a level of economic stability and “food on the table”.  Now, we also know that Venezuela, like many countries in South America have trouble identifying who the middle class is.  For years, there was the rich and the poor, but businesses prospered and jobs were created and if you were educated, (read and write) you had a good chance of having the basic needs of life.   We know the poor in our country are far better off than the poor in these countries and under our capitalist system, we have a middle class that is the backbone of our economic system.  

However, under Bernie Sanders socialism, we will see the same collapse of our economy that we are witnessing in the socialist countries Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela.  The problem is our students are being taught that socialism failed because it was not implemented correctly and we can do it right.  This has been the argument of the liberals and the socialist, Marxist and communist members of the Democratic Party for years.  You get nothing for free in this world. Someone always pays for government freebees and that is the taxpayer.  You can only tax the rich so much before there are no rich and then you go to the middle class until they are destroyed and you wind up with what we are witnessing in Venezuela today.  Now you have not heard from Sean Penn, Michael Moore and the other socialist Hollywood stars who were praising Venezuela move to socialism just a few years ago. Socialism does not work and has never worked.  20th century examples are the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe when under communism, Europe today, Cuba, North Korea and what we are witnessing in South America.  Supporters of Hillary and Bernie have better wake up and realize what is being preached to them. By the way, Bernie does not want to talk about the Venezuela collapse.  I wonder why?

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